Leiden University Student Repository

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The inclusion of democratic values in the education law of nine different countries
Caught between conflict and economic ties
The Threat of Extinction is Not Enough: Why Institutional Collaboration Failed to Protect a Species in Malaysia
Civil Society and the Future of Rare Earths
Building towards cross-cultural management between the Netherlands and Malaysia.
Countering Violent Extremist Narratives in Theory and Practice: The Cases of Indonesia and Malaysia
The Role of National and Regional Identities on Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)’s Position towards the South China Sea Issue under the Chairmanships of Myanmar, Malaysia and Lao PDR (2014-2016)
The Middle Class and Ethnic Identities in Malaysia: Transcending the Paradox of Malaysian-ness
Sharia Law and Modern Universal Values - A Comparative Case Study of Saudi Arabia and Malaysia
Political Islam In Malaysia: An Analysis Of The Relationship Between Islamisation and Democratisation
Towards a Malaysian Malaysia?: Changing Dynamics between State, Islam and Middle Classes
Satay, skyscrapers and sarong kebayas: the representation of modernity in the commercials of Garuda Indonesia and Malaysia Airlines
From colonial land rights to Malay corporate shares: entrepreneurship and ethnicity in Malaysia before the New Economic Policy
Mahathir's "Look East" policy: Changing the values of the Malays
One nation, two representations. Development and the construction of identity in the Malaysian cities Putrajaya and Georgetown