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(1 - 13 of 13)
Last dance at the Laschamps? A paleomagnetic study of the key Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition site of Quinçay, France, and the potential of the Laschamps event as a geochronological marker in archaeology.
Quina technology and the late Neanderthals in North Europe
The effect of climate change on local Neanderthal  populations in Europe during the Middle to Upper  Palaeolithic transition
Middle Palaeolithic Quina flake production at Colmont-Ponderosa, South Limburg (the Netherlands)
A Safe Haven for Neanderthal Populations
Beyond bifaces: Small blank production in the Late Middle Palaeolithic of Northwestern Europe
East and West, Warm and Cold: The Evolution of Neanderthal Mobility Behaviour in Its European Palaeoenvironmental Context from the Beginning of the Late Saalian (191 ka BP) Until Their Demise (40 ka BP)
Applying Clarkson and Hiscock's method of measuring reduction intensity on lithic tools to an archaeological sample.
On the variability of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic bifaces: Exploring chronological, techno-functional, and socio-cultural aspects of biface morphology by using bifacial tools from the southern Netherlands as a case study
The macro-lithic tools from the stone 'manuport' assemblage of Neumark-Nord 2/2, and their contribution to the characterisation of the site as knapping locale
On the issues of timing controlled and habitual fire use: Testing the strenghts of the short chronologies with focus on Western Eurasia
The Place of the Neanderthal Dead: Multiple burial sites and mortuary space in the Middle Palaeolithic of Eurasia
The Invisible Fire Starters: A usewear-based approach to identifying evidence of fire production by Neandertals