Leiden University Student Repository

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Helping NPOs: A Cross-sectional Study about the Willingness to Donate of Members of the General Public and the Role of Morality, Competence, Empathy, and Collectivism
Contrasting Commentary: The Criticism of High and Low Estates in Robert Henryson's Morall Fabillis
A Renovative Dialogue on Morality
The Plausibility of Prioritarianism and Pluralism in a Pandemic
Queer Violence and the Post-Colonial State, the Case of Nigeria
Moral Error Theory and the Zhuangzi
The Female Saviour: Marriage and Morality in Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
Romanticized Violence and Stockholm Syndrome in Samuel Richardson’s Pamela
The politics of suffering - An analysis of the reporting of the Yemeni war in Saudi Arabian and Iranian national presses
Morality in Music: Censorship of Chinese Pop Songs
What we morally ought to do to help the world's badly-off
Donating and self-interest: The influence of (im)moral behavior and norms
Sex Sells
Social Media, Politicians and Sex Scandals in Indonesia
"Words Win Wars": Relatedness, Alterity and the Function of Dialogue in Doctor Who