Leiden University Student Repository

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Exploring Sentiment Analysis for Plot Extraction in Literary Studies
Des châteaux aux tours, des jardins aux forêts : L'espace genré dans les Lais de Marie de France
Creating a Story Through Exploration in 'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild'
The Artificial Subject: Investigating the notion of subjecthood, a narratological and psychoanalytical analysis regarding the subjecthood of Artificial Intelligence
Spanning en Sensatie. Narratieve technieken en lezerservaring in Xenophons Anabasis III.
Harry Potter: zegen of zonde? Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar christelijke lezingen van J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter
Supernatural Fiction as Religious Narratives
Is he dead yet? Can I watch now? A study of immersion in three crucial death scenes in Homer's Iliad
The role of Visual Novels as a Narrative Medium
Narrative and Ritual in the Codex Borgia: A Structural Analysis of this Postclassic Mexican Manuscript
Tekst, Story & Fabula van de Moche Toegepast op de muurschilderingen van Pañamarca, Huaca Cao Viejo en Huaca de la Luna.