Sentiment analysis is the method of computationally recognising opinions stated in a piece of text, particularly to identify if the writer has a positive, negative, or neutral attitude towards a...Show moreSentiment analysis is the method of computationally recognising opinions stated in a piece of text, particularly to identify if the writer has a positive, negative, or neutral attitude towards a given topic. Although sentiment analysis is commonly used to analyse short texts on social media platforms, its application in literary research has gained traction in recent years. The emergence of sentiment analysis tools, such as Syuzhet, has notably expanded the research possibilities in this field. However, despite these advancements, there remains a need to further explore and understand the strengths and limitations of sentiment analysis in the context of literary analysis. The aim of this thesis is to further the body of knowledge about the use of sentiment analysis as a technique for plot extraction. Throughout this thesis, I experiment with a modified form of the social media analysis tool VADER. While this method proofs to work as an effective tool for extracting sentiment from linear stories, it still shows limitation on a sentence-to-sentence basis. Moreover, I use this tool to replicate an often-cited study by Reagan et al., where it was stated that the majority of stories can be categorized in six basic ‘plot shapes’. I argue that while most of these shapes can still be identified using an alternative sentiment analysis technique, this technique occasionally classifies a story into a different shape than Reagan et al.’s analysis did. I conclude by giving a critical evaluation of sentiment analysis as a tool for plot extraction. Since the ‘plot’ of a story is a multifaceted concept, we cannot simply argue that a sentiment analysis graph displays the progression of plot. Nonetheless, modifications can be made to get a fuller understanding of the narrative of a story.Show less
Des châteaux aux tours, des jardins aux forêts ; Marie de France utilise divers espaces civils et naturels qui soutiennent les intrigues dans ses Lais. À ce qu'il paraît, L'objectif de la présente...Show moreDes châteaux aux tours, des jardins aux forêts ; Marie de France utilise divers espaces civils et naturels qui soutiennent les intrigues dans ses Lais. À ce qu'il paraît, L'objectif de la présente étude serait de lier les études médiévales et le concept de l'espace genré à travers les Lais de Marie de France, afin de montrer que la division de l'espace est intrinsiquement genrée et suit les tendances de la société féodale et patriarcale.Show less
Abstract: This thesis deals with the question of human subjecthood. What makes us Subjects? The innovations in computer science and artificial intelligence prompt a follow up question: When and how...Show moreAbstract: This thesis deals with the question of human subjecthood. What makes us Subjects? The innovations in computer science and artificial intelligence prompt a follow up question: When and how can an artificial intelligence or artificial life form be considered a Subject? In a comparison between man and machine this essay investigates different notions of Subjecthood. Introducing a narratological concept of subjecthood based on Bal’s narratology leads to the conclusion that the subject object division isn’t a binary opposition. Analysing Heidegger’s theory of agency as well as Freud and Lacan their narratives of development in psychoanalytical theory illustrate the importance of a split within the Subject, a split between what it needs and what it learns. The space between internal and external forces in an agent allow a Subject to come into being pointing out how the individual needs society in order to exist.Show less
Master thesis | Classics and Ancient Civilizations (MA)
under embargo until 2028-08-31
Aan het begin van het derde boek van Xenophons Anabasis verkeert het Griekse leger in een staat van totale wanhoop. De introductie van een nieuw personage, Xenophon van Athene, brengt hier...Show moreAan het begin van het derde boek van Xenophons Anabasis verkeert het Griekse leger in een staat van totale wanhoop. De introductie van een nieuw personage, Xenophon van Athene, brengt hier verandering in: de wanhoop van de Griekse troepen maakt langzaam plaats voor hoop. Door middel van narratieve technieken laat de verteller van Anabasis III de lezer van het boek meeleven met de ervaringen en emoties van de Grieken, waardoor ook de lezer wisselend hoop en wanhoop ervaart. In deze scriptie onderzoek ik welke narratieve technieken de verteller gebruikt om de lezerservaring te sturen.Show less
Bachelor thesis | Film- en literatuurwetenschap (BA)
closed access
Deze scriptie bevat een vergelijkend onderzoek naar twee verschillende lezingen van J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter. Hoe is het mogelijk dat twee christelijke schrijvers, Richard Abanes en Connie Neal,...Show moreDeze scriptie bevat een vergelijkend onderzoek naar twee verschillende lezingen van J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter. Hoe is het mogelijk dat twee christelijke schrijvers, Richard Abanes en Connie Neal, twee zodanig van elkaar verschillende lezingen van Rowlings romans hebben opgetekend? Het antwoord op deze vraag vormt zich door middel van een close-reading van enkele passages uit de eerste twee Harry Potter-romans, aan de hand van Mieke Bals narratologietheorie. Op deze manier worden de verschillende keuzes binnen Rowlings narratief en de interpretatie hiervan door Abanes en Neal duidelijk. Door deze te koppelen aan Althussers theorie omtrent ideologie, manifesteert zich de ideologie van beide schrijvers en de invloed hiervan op de interpretaties van Rowlings werk. Zo ontvouwt zich een verklaring voor de onophoudelijke discussie omtrent Harry Potter binnen vele christelijke groeperingen, en in dit geval specifiek voor de totaal verschillende interpretaties van Abanes en Neal. Zoals ook beschreven door Paulus in zijn brief aan de Galaten, motiveert het volgen van de geest van de wet beduidend andere ideologische keuzes dan het volgen van de letter van de wet.Show less
Research master thesis | Classics and Ancient Civilizations (research) (MA)
closed access
How do you kill a hero? The deaths of Sherlock in the 19th century, and that of Eline Vere in Louis Couperus’ Eline Vere in the early 20th century stirred the hearts of their audiences to such a...Show moreHow do you kill a hero? The deaths of Sherlock in the 19th century, and that of Eline Vere in Louis Couperus’ Eline Vere in the early 20th century stirred the hearts of their audiences to such a degree that people actually believed an actual person had died. In present popular culture, the death of a protagonist can still have a profound impact. Lord Eddard Stark’s death, the main protagonist in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones, comes rather unexpected and the very unorthodox way of killing the characters in the rest of this series has become a meme on the internet. The death of Brian the talking dog in the sit-com Family Guy (season 12, episode 6) even led to protest and Facebook pages to get him back into the series. Patroclus’ death is considered to be “terrifying”, and to have “great psychological depth” Janko (1992, p. 312). Together with Sarpedon’s death before and afterwards Hector’s, it is claimed by De Jong (2012, 13-15) to be the central death scene in the Iliad. With the modern examples in mind, the question arises how the narrator of the Iliad conveys the emotional charge these deaths have. To investigate how the audience is involved in their deaths, the study of immersion will be applied. This thesis will deal with the emotional involvement in the death scenes of three heroes: Sarpedon, Patroclus, and Hector. These deaths are knitted together. Patroclus kills Sarpedon, and against Achilles’ wishes, he rushes to the Trojan walls. There he is killed by Hector. In return, Hector is killed by Achilles to avenge his fallen friend Patroclus. Elements of Sarpedon’s death are repeated in Hector’s. Sarpedon is the leader of Troy’s allies, and second to Hector. In both scenes, Zeus deliberates on their deaths. In all killing scenes there are a dialogue, spoliation of armour, and threat of mutilation. There is a fight for Sarpedon’s, and Patroclus’ corpse; Hector’s is claimed by Achilles, and the Greeks only run around his body. The central question of this thesis will therefore be how these death scenes relate to each other and to other deaths in the Iliad. In order to substantiate judgments like “terrifying”, this research will assess scenes with the deaths of minor and major heroes. It can be expected that the former are less immersive than the deaths of major heroes that have a crucial role in the plot. Scene 6.1-24 will be assessed for minor heroes. Passage 16.394-867, Sarpedon’s and Patroclus’ deaths, and 22.90-404, that of Hector, are examined as examples of the deaths of major heroes. I will argue that visual and sensory immersion is present in most deaths, but that emotional immersion is used mostly in passages important to the development of the story. The continuation of the same mental space will be shown to be an important feature of visual immersion in death scenes. Allan, De Jong, & De Jonge (2014) have already argued for the immersive style of Homer’s epic. This thesis will add to this claim that, when larger stretches of narrative are taken under scrutiny, it is revealed the Homeric narrator does not just use these immersive elements at random: there is logic to his choices.Show less
Research master thesis | Archaeology (research) (MA/MSc)
open access
This thesis focuses on the interpretation of pages 29 to 46 of the Codex Borgia. This sequence of pages is unique in the corpus of Mexican manuscripts, and it contain very complex imagery. Because...Show moreThis thesis focuses on the interpretation of pages 29 to 46 of the Codex Borgia. This sequence of pages is unique in the corpus of Mexican manuscripts, and it contain very complex imagery. Because of this, these pages have been the centre of many interpretation efforts for already more than a decade. To this day no consensus has been reached about the meaning of the pages. To aid in this matter, this thesis contains three aims: (1) to give an overview of the interpretations made thus far, (2) to identify the specific problems in the interpretation process in order to recommend future lines of research, and (3) to expand upon the knowledge of the imagery through a structural analysis of them from the perspective of narratology. First, an overview of eight interpretations has been created. Secondly, these interpretations have been evaluated on the basis of the analogies that have been drawn in order to identify the problems in the interpretation process. Third and lastly, the narratological aspects time, space, events, actors, and focalization have been selected to analyse the structure (and thereby function) of the pages. It is concluded that that the pages represent various separate rituals in a ceremonial centre, and that the pages are of some kind of descriptive or prescriptive nature. It is very likely that the pages were used as a sort of guide for a variety rituals performed by a group of priests that was closely related to a Temple of Dark Wind, and in which hallucinations play a role.Show less
In deze scriptie worden drie muurschilderingen geanalyseerd die afkomstig zijn uit drie verschillende valleien binnen het gebied waar de Moche woonden: de Nepaña vallei (Pañamarca), Moche vallei ...Show moreIn deze scriptie worden drie muurschilderingen geanalyseerd die afkomstig zijn uit drie verschillende valleien binnen het gebied waar de Moche woonden: de Nepaña vallei (Pañamarca), Moche vallei (Huaca de la Luna) en de Chicama Vallei (Huaca Cao Viejo). Door schilderingen uit verschillende politieke centra met elkaar te vergelijken, wordt getracht een ideologische overeenkomst te vinden tussen de drie afzonderlijke bestuurscentra. Voor de analyse wordt een door Mieke bal omschreven theorie gebruikt, waarin narratieve teksten worden geanalyseerd aan de hand van drie onderscheidende termen: tekst, story en fabula. Er zal gekeken worden naar de afgebeelde figuren en de interpretaties die daaraan gegeven zijn. Eveneens wordt er een blik geworpen op de onderlinge relaties van de figuren en de activiteiten die zij uitvoeren. Op deze manier wordt er getracht het verhaal te achterhalen dat in de schildering verbeeld wordt. Bij de analyse wordt gebruikt gemaakt van eerder onderscheiden personages en thema’s die van belang zijn voor de Moche iconografie. Deze zijn op verschillende objecten weergegeven en komen ook terug in de schilderingen. Na het uitvoeren van de analysen, wordt er een vergelijking gemaakt tussen de drie schilderingen, waaruit zal blijken dat er een ideologische overeenkomst bestaat tussen de verschillende centra. Alle onderzochte schilderingen behandelen eenzelfde thema: het belang van vruchtbaarheid en de offers die voor de instandhouding daarvan gebracht dienen te worden.Show less