During the 20th Century, both Germany and Spain had atrocities committed against specific groups of people at home under fascist leaderships. Both countries democratised with the death of their...Show moreDuring the 20th Century, both Germany and Spain had atrocities committed against specific groups of people at home under fascist leaderships. Both countries democratised with the death of their leader, leaving members from the previous regime in power. However, two very different approaches to reconciliation were taken. Germany prosecuted the leaders of the old regime, implemented collective guilt across the population, and either destroyed fascist memorials and insignias or actively challenged them with counter-memorials. As opposed to following the German path to reconciliation, the fruits of which could be seen during the democratisation of Spain, the new democracy decided to implement the 1975 Pact of Forgetting, an unwritten agreement to not bring up the atrocities committed under Franco for fear of retribution. In order to understand the events that led to two very different outcomes through the use of interviews, analysis of the Suárez’s cabinet, and analysis of the use of memorials in both cases, this paper will ask why did Spain choose to avoid a similar reconciliation process to the one taken by West Germany thirty years prior despite being in a similar state and what role did public history play?Show less
Kashubian people constitute an ethnic and linguistic minority that inhabited the historical region of Pomerania, and they currently occupy certain parts of the Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland ...Show moreKashubian people constitute an ethnic and linguistic minority that inhabited the historical region of Pomerania, and they currently occupy certain parts of the Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland (predominantly in Gdansk and Slupsk). The linguistic situation of Kashubians has always entailed implications as to their identity, mainly due to the oppression of Kashubian as a minority language (Grabowska and Ladykowski 2-3). Identity issues had already emerged after the collapse of the German empire and with the Kashubians’ consequent adherence to the new Polish state, cultural distinctiveness was harshly damaged. The present thesis analyses the changing conceptualization of Kashubian identity in former Danzig-West Prussia, the Wartheland and Upper Silesia. Time wise, the thesis principally focuses on the end of the First and the Second World War under the National Socialist regime (1919-1945), yet taking into account the impact of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries in Kashubian history. The main aim is to look at the articulation of the Kashubian identity over time and consider the impacts of the contextual historical circumstances and state influence on Kashubians.Show less
Werner Heisenberg leidde tijdens het Derde Rijk het kernonderzoek van Nazi-Duitsland. Hij was nooit lid van een nationaalsocialistische organisatie, maar werkte toch aan een ontwikkeling die...Show moreWerner Heisenberg leidde tijdens het Derde Rijk het kernonderzoek van Nazi-Duitsland. Hij was nooit lid van een nationaalsocialistische organisatie, maar werkte toch aan een ontwikkeling die dramatische gevolgen zou kunnen hebben in handen van de nationaalsocialisten? Heisenbergs politieke visie ten opzichte van de Nazi's en kernwapens worden in deze scriptie bestudeerd.Show less
Deze scriptie onderzoekt hoe de NSDAP erin slaagt om een grote electorale aanhang te verwerven in de jaren tussen 1928 en 1933. Dit wordt gedaan door enerzijds te onderzoeken aan welke idealen en...Show moreDeze scriptie onderzoekt hoe de NSDAP erin slaagt om een grote electorale aanhang te verwerven in de jaren tussen 1928 en 1933. Dit wordt gedaan door enerzijds te onderzoeken aan welke idealen en stromingen binnen de Weimar-samenleving de NSDAP appelleert, en anderzijds door te onderzoeken hoe de bestaande sociale en politieke context de opkomst van de NSDAP beïnvloedt. Met behulp van Nazi-propaganda wordt gekeken naar de manier waarop de partij zich manifesteerde in de samenleving.Show less