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(81 - 100 of 127)


Dutch Strategic Culture - A case study
De Tweede Boerenoorlog en de onverzoenlijken van Ceylon in het licht van Nederlands-Indië
The Capacity for Bronze-Use
Rethinking Iron Age loom weights in the Netherlands
Dutch Liberals' Glance Across the Water: VVD Reactions to the UK in Europe, 1948-1963 and 2000-2013
The multilateral effect of Dutch-German bilateralism  in the European Union
Tracing Changing Beverage Consumption Trends with a Special Focus on the Low Countries: Through the Analysis of Stoneware Drinking Vessels, 1300-1600 CE
The Distribution of the Early Medieval Sceatta Coinage In The Netherlands
Archaeology education. Our governmental concern? A study on the state of affairs on policiy stakeholders' perspectives regarding the inclusion of Archaeology into Dutch primary education.
Russian-Dutch Relations: Business as Unusual
Memory Politics of the 1940s in the Netherlands and Greece. Curating the difficult past.
Transnational Racial Consciousness and Fair Skin Discourses. First-Generation Indian Migrants in the Indian Diaspora in the Netherlands
Between Nation and Gender: The representation of former military comfort women in the Netherlands and South Korea
Sharing the landscape - an archaeobotanical  reconstruction of the landscape during the  Merovingían period at Oegstgeest, Nieuw Rhijngeest- Zuid
