Leiden University Student Repository

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No longer ‘becoming-the-same?’
Rewriting the Revolution
Editorial Coverage of the 2019 Hong Kong Protests: A comparison between the Taipei Times and the Global Times
Adressing the media: Analysis of the reaction in Dutch newspapers to Kennedy’s famous addresses in June, 1963.
Sovjet-Rusland: Europees socialisme of Aziatische barbaarsheid
The Representation of Israel during the Gaza Conflict of 2014
De krant en het Oranjegevoel: voetbal als bindmiddel van de natie
Hoe loopt het af met La Rochelle? Nieuws, speculatie en propaganda in de Republiek over het beleg van La Rochelle (1627-1628)
Negers naar school, Alabama haalt bakzeil: An analysis of four Dutch newspapers’ coverage of the Civil Rights Movement, 1957-1968
The Land League's Newspaper War: an Analysis of Newspaper Articles During the Irish Land War, Spring 1879
Evaluative language in newspapers from the Netherlands and Japan describing the victory of Donald Trump and the possible consequences
Watchdog or lapdog? A critical discourse analysis on two Chinese newspapers
Fighting eagles, the black American versus the white German and the American response
How the Media Distorts: Drone Strike Reports
You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train, Een analyse naar de berichtgeving over zwarte Amerikaanse soldaten en de oorlog in Vietnam in de Jaren zestig
In the Shadow of the Kulturkampf: Perceptions of the Milderungsgesetzen in Dutch Catholic media, from 1880 to 1884
Wartime reporting: Anglo-Saxon newspapers and the Barcelona May Days