The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) has become widely used as a brief test of cognitive function in patients with neurological disease. The aim of this study is to adapt the MoCA into a...Show moreThe Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) has become widely used as a brief test of cognitive function in patients with neurological disease. The aim of this study is to adapt the MoCA into a videoconference version (eMoCA) and test it for equivalence to the MoCA administered as part of usual care, i.e., face-to-face, for test-retest reliability in Parkinson patients and assess the practical implementation of the protocol for the videoconference version. To achieve this, we conducted a feasibility study to examine the feasibility of remotely administering the MoCA to individuals with Parkinson’s disease. The study involved 10 participants with Parkinson’s disease, who underwent in-person and remote assessments using video conferencing. To establish the reliability of the eMoCA the Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) and the Cronbach’s Alpha were calculated. To see if the MoCA and the eMoCA are equivalent to each other, the equivalence test was performed. Feedback questionnaires were used to obtain feedback from the participants and the assessors on how they felt about experiencing the eMoCA. The ICC (2,1) was .87 ((95% CI: .53, .97); p = .002) and the Cronbach’s Alpha was .68. The results showed that administering the eMoCA to individuals with Parkinson’s disease was feasible, but that the reliability and the equivalence were not enough to speak of complete similarity. The major negative aspect for both the participants as the assessors were the technical issues making the appointments more complicated. Numerous participants indicated that not having to travel was a significant advantage. This study suggests that the MoCA could be used in remote assessments of patients and research participants with movement disorders, however there are still areas for improvement before the eMoCA can be applied in a clinical setting.Show less
Online right-wing radicalization has been on the rise globally. Little academic research has been conducted on this phenomenon. One study conceptualizes the online right-wing radicalization process...Show moreOnline right-wing radicalization has been on the rise globally. Little academic research has been conducted on this phenomenon. One study conceptualizes the online right-wing radicalization process in a pipeline. This study will research whether this Pipeline theory is a new concept, or whether it exists in some other form. By conducting a narrative qualitative analysis on three skinhead autobiographies, this research has discovered that the Pipeline theory can be applied to older cases of right-wing radicalization, thus meaning that the Pipeline theory exists in other forms. While the Pipeline can be applied to older cases, this research has disclosed that the online and offline trajectories are too contrasting with one another. It is of the utmost importance for policymakers and law enforcement to research the Alt-Right Pipeline. Falling into the Alt-Right Pipeline can have deadly consequences, e.g. the Christchurch Massacre, El-Paso Wallmart Shooting et cetera.Show less
Veel onderzoeken impliceren dat de lokale journalistiek in zwaar weer verkeert. Voornamelijk gemeenten met minder dan 50.000 inwoners hebben met vele uitdagingen te maken die de huidige problemen...Show moreVeel onderzoeken impliceren dat de lokale journalistiek in zwaar weer verkeert. Voornamelijk gemeenten met minder dan 50.000 inwoners hebben met vele uitdagingen te maken die de huidige problemen rondom de lokale journalistiek met zich meebrengen. Met ongeveer 27.000 inwoners valt de gemeente Aalten onder de zogenoemde kleine gemeenten waar de zorgen rondom lokale journalistiek het grootst zijn. Dit onderzoek is in twee delen gepresenteerd. In dit onderzoek ligt de focus op de staat en de toekomst van de print- en online media in de gemeente Aalten. Het aanpalende onderzoek heeft als focus de staat en de toekomst van de radio en televisie in de gemeente. In dit onderzoek is die vraag vertaald in twee deelvragen: 1. Wat is de huidige stand van zaken van het medialandschap in de gemeente Aalten met betrekking tot print en online media? 2. Welke scenario’s zijn er om een eventuele kwaliteitsverbetering te bewerkstelligen? Aan de hand van een literatuurstudie zijn de ontwikkelingen en bedreigingen van de algemene print- en onlinemedia in kaart gebracht op zowel landelijk als lokaal niveau. Daarnaast zijn er scenario’s geschetst van initiatieven op lokaal en nationaal niveau die opgericht zijn op de kwaliteitsverbetering van de lokale journalistiek. De literatuurstudie geeft basis voor de topiclijst die gebruikt is voor de semigestructureerde interviews. Deze zijn afgenomen bij de stakeholders van de Aaltense media, om antwoorden te kunnen geven op de onderzoeksvragen. De gemeente wordt aanbevolen om met andere gemeenten in de regio Achterhoek of uit de provincie Gelderland te spreken over de mogelijkheden voor een journalistiekfonds. De invulling hiervoor kan afgeleid worden uit andere initiatieven die al gaande zijn in het land. Ook wordt de gemeente aanbevolen om de prijs die ze betalen voor het publiceren van de gemeenteadvertenties te verhogen, omdat deze nu verlieslijdend is voor de media. Daarnaast zou de gemeente samenwerking tussen de print- en onlinemedia en de radio- en televisieomroepen kunnen stimuleren aan de hand van bijvoorbeeld beloningen.Show less
This thesis discusses how secular purity culture in vegan online cultic milieus can impact the justification methods in defense of the taken stance. It also looks into the way in which purity...Show moreThis thesis discusses how secular purity culture in vegan online cultic milieus can impact the justification methods in defense of the taken stance. It also looks into the way in which purity culture helps to expand and maintain communities. Special attention is given to the online communities based on YouTube, and how purity can be reinforced through online media and community.Show less
This paper investigates the effects of various forms of trolling. This investigation was conducted by means of a multiple case study, contrasting a real-life trolling campaign that spread the...Show moreThis paper investigates the effects of various forms of trolling. This investigation was conducted by means of a multiple case study, contrasting a real-life trolling campaign that spread the phrase “It’s Okay To Be White” across several university campuses against an instance of online flaming against an individual. Both the campaign and the flaming had originated from the website 4chan. These two cases will be contrasted in term of effectiveness by means of the responses to the trolling and flaming respectively. These responses were hierarchically classified by applying Baker’s (2001) six forms of responding to flaming in terms of progressively increasing aggression towards the person or message they were directed towards. From the comparison of these cases, it appeared that while the It’s Okay To Be White-campaign (henceforth abbreviated as the IOTBW-campaign) did manage to garner more attention through the traditional media, the responses to the case of online flaming had been far more explicit as well as aggressive and thereby more effective. The implication this has for trolling is that while a large number of views and responses are certainly a requirement for the success of trolling, it does not signify effective trolling. Rather, the quality of the responses (aggressive and emotionally loaded language) is a more adequate determiner for effectiveness in trolling. Future research might look into quantitative analyses of aggressive responses to trolling and flaming alike.Show less