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(21 - 40 of 48)


Decolonising Diplomacy: Examining British Orientalist Attitudes and Culture Shaping British Foreign Policy Towards Jordan
The Two-Faced World: the West versus Iran A discourse analysis on the representation of Iran in Dutch documentaries from 1960 until 2018
Hollywood's Others​:  Demistifying  Orientalist Film Productions
Critical Engagement with Racial Discourse in a Digital Fantasy World
Hollywood war movies & US foreign policy in Afghanistan before and after 9/11
Kidnapping the Caucasus, Russian Style: Changing Constructions of Orientalist Discourse in Film
Constructing the Herero: The Discursive Formation of the Other and the Genocide in German South West Africa
Orientalism in the Chinese Horror Films of Asia Extreme
The Forgotten Voices of Afghanistan: How the American Occupation Denied Afghan Women a Voice
The Adat Law toolkit: F.D. Holleman's life and thought in the Netherlands, Indonesia and South Africa
Half the Sky for Chinese Women Artists: A Close Reading of Texts Dealing with Chen Lingyang and Lin Tianmiao under the Lens of Feminism, Postcolonialism, and Intersectionality
Oriëntalisme op reis
Discourses and Representations of Old and Contemporary Tibet
Orientalism in Western Media Coverage of Gender Issues in Japan
A commentary:   Turbulent by Shirin Neshat and the Myth about the ‘Oriental’ Feminine Subject
Counter-Orientalism and the Deconstruction of Nineteenth-Century Racial Theories in Moby-Dick
The Other Side of the West: Lovecraft's Orientalism in "Arthur Jermyn" and "Imprisoned with the Pharaohs"
Echoes in Eurasia: the name ‘Tangut’ and the Xixia Tanguts in European medieval and early modern sources, ca. 1250-1750
Gender-Specific Representations of Syrian Refugees in Europe - A Discourse-Historical Approach on British and German Print Media
Unveiling Orientalism: Orientalist aesthetics in the twenty-first century
