Leiden University Student Repository

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The association of trauma severity with quality of life and health costs among outpatients diagnosed with a personality disorder
A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of psychological treatments of PTSD in refugees: does age and adaptation of language and culture influence the treatment efficacy?
Exploring Trauma-Related Dissociation: Disentangling the Interplay of PTSD, Dissociative Symptoms, and ACE in Network Analyses
Posttraumatic stress disorder and adjustment disorder  during the coronavirus pandemic: the effects of coping  behavior and health fear.
Group Therapy for Traumatized Forced Migrants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Symptom Structures of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Onderzoek naar de invloed van PTSS op delinquent gedrag van Nederlandse jongeren die kindermishandeling hebben meegemaakt
Governing migration: ‘Real trauma’ and the politics of therapeutic relationships
Een meta-analyse naar de verschillen tussen kind- en volwassene vluchtelingen met PTSS in effectiviteit van behandelmethoden CGT, EMDR en NET en de invloed van cultuur en taalaanpassing hierop.
The Effectiveness of Culturally Adapted vs. Non-Adapted Psychological Treatments for Refugees: A Meta-Analysis
The effect of three exposure-based treatments on comorbid disorders amongst individuals with childhood abuse-related PTSD
Cognitive learning potential in Syrian refugee adolescents: Links to post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and cognitive empathy
The prediction of 15-year posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms with thyroid functioning and peritraumatic distress in injury survivors
The Effect of Trauma on Cognitive Flexibility and Empathy in Syrian Refugee Children
The role of parental bonding, loneliness and hopelessness in the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology
Trauma-specific linguistic  markers in domestic violence  victims during the Covid-19 stressor
The link between harm expectancy violation and change in PTSD symptoms during exposure therapy
Is an Intensive Residential Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Programme Effective for Patients with a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse?
The evolution of post-disaster mental health care in Japan: how have the responses by civil society, local and national government changed over time
‘The Wounds of Consciousness’ - geen niemandsland in oorlogstrauma
