Leiden University Student Repository

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In the “global boiling” era; energy production and consumption: Case study Finland
Securitising Climate Change: Framing and Implementation in the post-Paris Agreement European Union
Global Climate Governance
The Paris Agreement
When the giant leaves the party: EU responses to U.S. withdrawal from multilateral treaties
Transferring Climate Change Mitigation A Case Study of the Clean Development Mechanism in Colombia and Peru from 2005 until 2017
Buen Vivir vs. The Paris Agreement: A comparative analysis in Ecuador's development towards sustainability
China’s Shifting View on Climate Change Negotiations: A Comparison Case Study on China’s View on Responsibilities in Climate Change Negotiations from Copenhagen to Paris
Media Coverage of Climate Change in India: A Case Study of the COP21 and the Paris Agreement
Shades of green: a comparative study of climate discourse in the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement