Leiden University Student Repository

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Beyond peacekeeping theories: A comparative case study of UNMIL and MONUSCO
Peacekeeping Complex Conflicts
UN Peacekeeping Operations and One-sided Government Violence: Protection Through Partnership?
From Aid to Smart Power
Lessons from the African Union Mission in Sudan for Peace Operations in Somalia and Mali
Decolonisation and the United Nations: A Study of Shifting Intervention in the Congo and Southern Rhodesia
The Rise of Democracy in the Congo
China's Changing Attitude Towards United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
African RECs as regional peacekeepers – a case study of SADC
Preconditions for Success in UN Peacekeeping Operations
Operational Coherence in Integrated Peacekeeping: The Post-Earthquake Experiences of the United Nations in Haiti
The Siamese Triplets: UN Peacekeeping in the Middle East and Human Security
When pragmatism prevails over principle: the limits of China's non-interference policy
Holding Back UNIFIL? A Critical Analysis of Hezbollah’s Influence on Peacekeeping in Lebanon
The Logic of Civil War Termination: A Rationalist Explanation of Rebel Behaviour