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(1 - 20 of 33)


Commodifying Culture for Development? The ambivalent role of Indigenous tourism as a tool for sustainable development in Peru
Imbabura and Tarma Quechua Voicing
The Legacies of Authoritarian Tendencies in Peru's Intelligence System
Achieving Tarimiat Pujut and Reclaiming Autonomy in Peru
On Latin American Archaeology
Strategies for Governments to Promote Agroforestry Development: Lessons from Kenya and Peru
“So many Peruvians Die Assassinated by Venecos”
Confronting the erased
Parties, Popularity, and Political Clientelism: The Persistence of Political Clientelism after the Collapse of the Party System in Peru
Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación
Foreign Direct Investment as a Development Project - The Case of Latin America and Chinese Finance
Women's empowerment: just a flashy concept?
Interjecties in het Quechua
The NGOization of Peruvian Women's Movements: Limitations and Opportunities of a Hybrid Structure
How can the Mortuary Practices from two Colonial-Era Cemeteries be Compared? Using the 16th-Century Spanish Colonial Sites of El Chorro de Maita in Cuba and Magdalena de Cao Viejo in Peru as Examples
National Museums and social exclusion of Indigenous people in Peru
Political corruption and transitional justice in Peru since the Fujimori era
Currency Unions in Latin America
