Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

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Dreams of a Better Life: Hope in T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land (1922), W. B. Yeats's The Tower (1928), and Ezra Pound's Eleven New Cantos (1934)
Quare id faciam, fortasse reQUEERis
The Poetry of Zhai Yongming
The Distribution of Old Norse Loans in Old English, Middle English, and Early Modern English Poetry and Prose
In Which Pooh Hums a Good Hum
A Babel of Shadows: The Meaning and Function of Shadows in J.R.R. Tolkien’s 'The Lord of the Rings'
Een carmen perpetuum in het klein. Een meta-poëtische interpretatie van de bomencatalogus in Ovidius' Metamorphosen.
Poetry of the Ṭālibān: Representation of the Self and the Other
Introducing Modernity into Afghanistan: An Analysis of Literary Compositions of Mahmud Tarzi
Unbroken Photography: Towards an Ethics of Agency in Grace Nichols’ "i is a long memoried woman" and “Picasso, I Want My Face Back”
Regional Poets and Poetic Regionality. Ehrenfried Stoeber and Alsatian Regional Consciousness in the Early Nineteenth Century (1814-1835)
A True Acholi: Pressures on Acholi Women to Westernize - an Analysis of Okot p’Bitek’s Song of Lawino
Leoðcræftig, Skilled in Song: Translating the Old English Deor Into Modern English Verse
Christina Rossetti's Poetry and the Fallen Woman in Pre-Raphaelite Aesthetic Context
Poetic Voices of the Shoah - Traumatic Memories and the Attempt to Express the Inexpressible
Leoðcræftig, Skilled in Song: Translating the Old English Deor Into Modern English Verse.
Blood and Ink: A New Interpretation of German and British First World War Poetry
Viking versus English, Monster versus Human: The Halls in Beowulf
Old English Metre in Tolkien's The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth and The Fall of Arthur
