Leiden University Student Repository

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Unveiling the Frames: Framing the Burqa Ban in Dutch Print Media
The Importance of Viable Alternatives
Can’t we just get along? A n investigation into the symmetry of aggressive responses towards outgroup members by Liberals and Conservatives in a context neutral environment.
Combining Weak Lensing and Galaxy Light Polarization
A Nation Divided: How Confederate Symbols Unified a Southern Culture and Identity and Polarized the United States of America
Polarization and personal attacks in American presidential debates
How can we see polarization expressed through the securitization of immigration by right wing visual media outlets and desecuritization of immigration by left wing visual media outlets and their portrayal of the other in this discourse?
Islamic Radicalization in Belgium and the Netherlands: A Comparison
An Ever-Elusive Union: The Anomalous Failures of the  Dutch Christian Left from 1968 to the Present
Single photons and coherent light in polarized quantum dot cavity QED
A Computational Approach to the Polarizing Effects of Spectrographic Slits and Attempts at Experimental Verification
The "ethnic-split" in contemporary Israeli Politics and the Israel-Palestinian Conflict