In deze scriptie wordt het uiteenvallen van de Sociaal-Democratische Bond (SDB) geanalyseerd door gebruik te maken van een transnationaal perspectief. Onderzocht wordt hoe contacten met en...Show moreIn deze scriptie wordt het uiteenvallen van de Sociaal-Democratische Bond (SDB) geanalyseerd door gebruik te maken van een transnationaal perspectief. Onderzocht wordt hoe contacten met en beeldvorming over socialisme in Frankrijk en Duitsland van invloed zijn geweest op de ontwikkeling die de SDB tussen 1883 en 1894 doormaakte. De studie gaat ook in op de nationalisering van arbeidersbewegingen en sluit daarmee aan bij eerdere literatuur over dit onderwerp.Show less
The Dutch Revolutionary Socialist Women's Union was founded during the First World War as a reaction to both the War and its results as well as the female movement of the Social-Democratic Party ...Show moreThe Dutch Revolutionary Socialist Women's Union was founded during the First World War as a reaction to both the War and its results as well as the female movement of the Social-Democratic Party (SDAP). In their battle against the capitalistic war and its results in the Netherlands, the revolutionary women seemed a lot fiercer than their social-democratic counterparts.Show less
Er wordt onderzocht hoe de Nederlandse politieke historici Henk te Velde en Piet de Rooy in hun respectievelijke boeken 'Stijlen van Leiderschap: Persoon en politiek van Thorbecke tot Den Uyl' en ...Show moreEr wordt onderzocht hoe de Nederlandse politieke historici Henk te Velde en Piet de Rooy in hun respectievelijke boeken 'Stijlen van Leiderschap: Persoon en politiek van Thorbecke tot Den Uyl' en 'Ons stipje op de waereldkaart: De politieke cultuur van modern Nederland' tot een sterke waardering komen van de relevantie van Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer voor de Nederlandse politieke geschiedenis van ongeveer 1848 tot en met 1870. In deze beschouwing worden enkele publicaties van de negentiende-eeuwse politieke commentator Johannes Theodoor Buys in het tijdschrift 'De Gids' meegenomen. De analyse wordt geplaatst in het historiografische debat over het recente internationale verloop van de politieke geschiedschrijving.Show less
When the Second World War ended, the European continent was devastated. Displaced persons (DPs) were scattered all over Europe. There were children among the DPs. They had survived the...Show moreWhen the Second World War ended, the European continent was devastated. Displaced persons (DPs) were scattered all over Europe. There were children among the DPs. They had survived the concentration camps, but often they had no place or family to return to. The European continent was not able to take care of all the DPs as the countries needed to rebuild themselves. The DPs needed to be relocated. An obvious choice would have been Ireland [neutral and undamaged by the war] but Ireland had strict immigration policy, in particularly towards Jewish people. This research aims to explain the attitude of the Irish government towards Jewish DP children and the relationship between media, claim makers and policymakers with regard to policymaking. The story of Dr. W.R.F. Collis is used as a case study. This research is based on a wide range of sources (including policy documents, interviews, autobiographies and newspaper articles).Show less
In this thesis an analysis is made of the British parliamentary debates on European integration in the period from 1957 to 1975. This is done in order to better understand the role of identity...Show moreIn this thesis an analysis is made of the British parliamentary debates on European integration in the period from 1957 to 1975. This is done in order to better understand the role of identity narratives in political debates in general and specifically the role of conceptions of and narratives on British national identity in these parliamentary debates on European integration. During this period the United Kingdom first left the initiative to create an EEC, only to apply for membership three years later in 1961. After two failed applications the UK became a member state in 1973, which received direct popular support through the 1975 ‘in-or-out’-referendum after the Wilson government had renegotiated the terms. In this thesis it is argued that national identity narratives actively shaped political opinion in these years and thus the political process as well. Political, economic and other types of arguments were deliberately linked to and intertwined with identity narratives with the goal of generating political effect. By means of this research and its results this study seeks to add to the historiography on Britain and the European integration process, which had been lacking both in research focusing on political debate as well as in research on the role of identity narratives therein.Show less