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Preserved in Lava
The diffusion of the cult of Isis from Egypt across the Mediterranean world. A study of the diffusion of the cult of Isis from Egypt across the Mediterranean world through the analysis of the Temple of Isis at Philae, the Temple of Isis at the Campus Mart
What the Votive?
Romeinse vrouwen aan de macht
Finding Slaves in Pompeii: Using Household Archaeology to Deepen the Unterstanding of the Social Standing within a Household
Mediterranean Houses and Society: A Comparative study between Houses in Classical Olynthos and Roman Pompeii
Pharaonica in Casa del Frutteto: De functie en betekenis van Egyptische elementen in een tuinschildering in Pompeii.
Romeins Aardewerk: Onderzoek naar het huisaardewerk in de Romeinse periode in Abdera, Colchester en Pompeii.