Leiden University Student Repository

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Navigation of National Heritage
Een kolonie in brand
Challenging compliance
The Curious Case of Casa do Fernandez
Christendom en Koopvaart
Between a rock and a hard place: Portugal, China and the EU
Ongetemd mysterie: de enigmatische landschapstuin van Quinta da Regaleira.
Heirs of the Portuguese Sea: The importance of Imperial nostalgia to the CPLP
The Effect of the European Debt Crisis on Euroscepticism
The Gildemeesters: A family's strategies for commercial success and upwards social mobility during the 18th century
Fighting the shadow with the light
Dealing with the challenging commonality of the heritage traces of former colonial presence overseas
Memories of the Portuguese Sea:The place of imperial nostalgia in Portuguese identity
De Republiek en de opstanden op het Iberisch Schiereiland (1640-1641)
History in Times of Fascism. Discipline and Practices of History during the beginning of the Portuguese New State
European Economic Integration and Countries in Transition: Lessons from Portugal
Spanje en Portugal, een eeneiige tweeling of een wereld van verschil?