Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 16 of 16)
The Effect of Peer Victimization on Prosocial Behavior; and the Mediating Role of Internalizing Behaviors Among Adolescents.
What’s in the eye of the beholder
The role of empathy in prosocial  learning
The influence of gender and empathy on sharing with different interaction partners in adolescence
The effect of the transition t kindergarten on prosocial behavior in children
The influence of parenting on children's prosocial behavior
The relation between empathy, prosocial- and antisocial behavior in young children
The effects of prosocial and aggressive behavior on friendship quality: Examining moderation effects
The relation between heightened sensitivity to prosocial rewards and positive developmental outcomes in adolescence
Emotiesocialisatie door ouders en de sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling van jonge kinderen
Het verband tussen het disciplineren door vaders en moeders en het prosociale gedrag van jongens en meisjes
Het effect van EQUIP op cognitieve vertekeningen en prosociaal gedrag bij reboundjongeren