Leiden University Student Repository

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Democratic backsliding in Hungary revisited: Orbán’s plan or Putin’s tactic?
History through Rivalry
The annexation of Crimea: A Neoclassical Realist Approach
Geschiedspolitiek: hoe Rusland en de Europese Unie verwikkeld raakten in een memory war over het Molotov-Ribbentroppact
What role did negative media narratives play in the impact Russia's hosting of the 2018 FIFA World Cup had on the country's soft power?
The Putin-Kadyrov Patronage: Russia's Efforts to Maintain the Chechen Republic as Part of the Federation
Understanding Russia's annexation of Crimea: A perspective through Strategic Culture Analysis
Convergence in Divergence: Russian-Turkish Relations in Kremlin’s Foreign Policy during the Putin and Erdoğan Era
Why Putin Needs US Hegemony
Defining and identifying Russia’s elite groups: Siloviki representation during Putin’s third term
Legitimation strategies in territorial disputes: the case of Russia and Ukraine's dispute over Crimea
How Westbindung prevailed over Ostpolitik
Between Concord and Discord: The U.S.-Russian "Reset" in Congress, 2009-2013
How does the Russian media portray individuals and groups involved in scandalous cases of activism and oligarch corruption?
To what extent is the gradual deterioration in NATO-Russia relations between 1991-2014 causally related to NATO's eastward expansion in Eastern-Europe?
How does the Russian media portray individuals and groups involved in scandalous cases of activism and oligarch corruption?
Resisting the West: What is the relationship between Putin’s ‘Eurasian’ Russia and Europe’s nationalist-right?