Since the 80s, strange metals, metals where the electrons are so densely entangled that the conventional condensed matter paradigm of Short Ranged Entanglement fails, have eluded any form of study...Show moreSince the 80s, strange metals, metals where the electrons are so densely entangled that the conventional condensed matter paradigm of Short Ranged Entanglement fails, have eluded any form of study due to the sign problem, which renders numerical calculations impossible. However, holography, a duality between strongly coupled quantum field theory problems and classical general relativity problems of one spatial dimension higher, grants us a way to circumvent the sign problem. In this thesis, we will run a modified version of code that was once used to simulate binary black holes on a supercomputer to calculate the properties of two $2+1$-dimensional holographic models for strange metals, the Reissner-Nordstr\"om metal and the Gubser-Rocha metal, subject to an ionic lattice potential: the code needed to simulate the Gubser-Rocha metal was only finished last year. We then investigate whether the DC electrical conductivity $\sigma$, thermopower $\alpha$ and thermal conductivity $\bar{\kappa}$ obey four different Drude models: one basic relativistic model and three models with different extra incoherent terms, models A, B and C. We find that model A, the most conventional model, fails, while the conductivities obey model C ($\kappa$-dominated transport) for low lattice strength $A$ and model B ($\sigma_{Q=0}$-dominated transport) for high $A$. We suspect this surprising result is caused by a pole collision causing a crossover between two regimes, but more research needs to be done to verify this.Show less
In this thesis research is presented into multiple unexplained phase transitions of the two antiferromagnets FePS3 and Fe1-xS (pyrrhotite). X-ray diffraction and resistivity measurements of...Show moreIn this thesis research is presented into multiple unexplained phase transitions of the two antiferromagnets FePS3 and Fe1-xS (pyrrhotite). X-ray diffraction and resistivity measurements of pressurised FePS3 show that this material undergoes at least two crystallographic phase transitions, strongly related to the appearance of an exotic metallic state when pressures over approximately 10GPa are applied. Magnetisation, specific heat and resistivity measurements of Pyrrhotite highlight for the first time the dual nature of the Besnus transition. Compelling evidence is presented that excludes the proposition of extrinsic magnetic coupling between differently ordered vacancy superstructures as the underlying mechanism. Instead the presence of local magnetic domain formation is highlighted.Show less
A cavity quantum electrodynamics system consisting of quantum dots in a micropillar cavity may form an essential building block for the creation of a quantum network. Current systems do not allow...Show moreA cavity quantum electrodynamics system consisting of quantum dots in a micropillar cavity may form an essential building block for the creation of a quantum network. Current systems do not allow for the scaling, in a simple manner, to a large network. Therefore, we introduce a scalable approach by coupling a micropillar cavity to single-mode fibers. The steps taken to achieve the fiber coupling are explained and the first tests for researching a fiber coupled cavity quantum electrodynamics system are shown. The first tests show that full input-output fiber based polarization control of a micropillar cavity at 3.5 K is possible which is important for a photon polarization based quantum network. Several experimental challenges are shown and discussed. Despite the experimental challenges, the first tests may pave the way for a more scalable approach for building a large-scale quantum network.Show less
We measured the homogeneous linewidth $\Gamma_h$ of ytterbium atoms inside a whispering gallery mode ring resonator. Using two-pulse photon echoes, we looked at the temperature dependence of $...Show moreWe measured the homogeneous linewidth $\Gamma_h$ of ytterbium atoms inside a whispering gallery mode ring resonator. Using two-pulse photon echoes, we looked at the temperature dependence of $\Gamma_h$ for an applied external magnetic field of $B=0$ and $B=0.3$ T. We found a clear narrowing of the linewidth at each temperature. Furthermore, we found saturation of $\Gamma_h$ for $T<30$ mK for both $B=0$ and $B=0.3$ T. At $T=10$ mK and $B=0.3$ T, we have observed a linewidth of 22 kHz, which is very near the lifetime limit of 1 kHz. Our results for the homogeneous linewidth of ions in glasses show that current theories have to be reconsidered. In addition, our results for $T_2$ ensure that rare earth element-doped cavities are a candidate for AFC quantum memory.Show less