Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 17 of 17)
Moral Limits of Killing in Warfare
Power Politics in the Malian Conflict: Considering the roles of ECOWAS, the UN, and France
Is Post-Truth Politics Really Post-Truth?
The Struggle of the British and the French inside NATO
Disinformation: A Realist and Constructivist Reading of Russia's Disinformation Campaigns
Reality vs. Fantasy: How Children’s Literature about the World Wars Has Changed over the Years
The art of spectacular realism and ordinary life: Changes in the purposes of realist visual art in twentieth-century China
How US-Colombian Power Relations Contributed to Plan Colombia's Failure
A Theory-Based Approach to South African and Iranian Nuclear Programmes and the Respective Relationship with the West
From a Slave to the New Soviet (Wo)Man: (Socialist?) Realism in Sadriddin Ayni’s Ƣulomon
The Humanitarian Pretext
The Mill on the Floss: George Eliot on Imagination and the Art of Sympathy
Has the West Rewritten its own Rule Book?
Quiet Heroism: The Heroines of Middlemarch and Wives and Daughters
The Role of Oil in International Cooperation
Why not in Syria? 'R2P not the rule but the exception'