Leiden University Student Repository

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Defending Weimar
A Social history of the Philippines  Martial Law Years  1981-1987
International Relations: Theorising Revolutions in Realism
The Phantom Storm
Decoupling Religion
The Manufactured Woman: The Position of Women in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Protests. Why the protests can be problematic for “One Country Two Systems”. A discourse analysis of the protest slogans.
Nan laara, an saara!: The rise of Burkindi in the aftermath of the revolution of 2014
The Unfinished Revolution
What was the textual discourse about women's education like from 1898-1925 in China?
Iran: Between Coup and Revolution
"Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten" und die Spuren der Nachrevolutionszeit
Reading the Revolution
The Personal Development of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara in Light of the Bhagavad Gita´s Doctrine of the Three Gunas
(K)oude vriendschap: pragmatiek, romantiek en ideologische antipathie in het Amerikaanse denken over prerevolutionair Rusland
Defending the Newly Independent State: The Indonesian Economic Policy During Revolution Period 1945-1949
To what extent did the 1926 General Strike and the 1984-5 Miners’ Strike constitute a Revolutionary Situation?