Leiden University Student Repository

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Aphrodite’s Metamorphosis
Baobab in Berenike and Myrobalan in Myos Hormos
Unknown or Untold?
The Via Egnatia and its Cities
The Roman Limes in the Rhine Delta
The Police Apparatus of Early Imperial Rome
Kerk en curia. Christianisering van de elite in Trier en Antiochië tussen 284 en 395 n.C.
A tale of two periods. Change and continuity in the Roman Empire between 249 and 324
Lepcis Magna: A study of cultural identity and space through the transformation of the city between the late 1st century BC through the Severan period
Antioch the Great: Population and economy of second-century Antioch
Imperial waters. Roman river god art in context.
Landscape of Languages - The position of provincial languages in the Roman Empire in the first three centuries AD