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(1 - 20 of 39)


Assembling the Cyberstrait
The securitization of migration in the House of Representatives of the Netherlands during the 2015 migration crisis
Leveraging Disaster: Securitization in the  Shadow of an Environmental Catastrophe
Depictions of Migrants: Comparing the Reflection of Aspirations and Capabilities vs Securitization in the Media
‘Great Nations Have Great Troubles’
“Putin’s war”
Youth in Northeast Nigeria: Perpetrators or Peacebuilders?
Italy and Libya's Migration Chess Games
The Position of Civil Society Actors in Taiwan's Approach to counter Disinformation
Security and state responses to terrorism
How does the EU justify the tradeoff between freedom and security? The Digital Services Act as a case study.
No (Visible) Victim, No Crime
To the stars and beyond: the role of the private space industry in securitizing outer space
Securitization of human rights in the migration policy of the EU
Chinese influence in the CEE region and the forming of a unified EU approach towards regulating IFDI
Securitization of Xinjiang: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative
Securitization of Global Health Crises, Western Opposition to WHO PHEIC Securitization
Private security contracting in peacebuilding missions: Militarizing humanitarian space
