Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Self-efficacy

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Het verschil in Taak Self-Efficacy, Onderhoud Self-Efficacy en Herstel Self-Efficacy tussen alledaagse Approach- en Avoidance-Doelen na het ervaren van Setbacks
De Invloed van het Sociaal Welzijn op de Self-Efficacy van Burgerschapsonderwijs
Don't sweat it! Skin Conductance as Mediator in the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Facilitative Interpersonal Skills in Therapists
The Relationship Between Baseline Levels of Obsessive- Compulsive Symptom Severity,  Self-Efficacy, and Experiential Avoidance in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Werkbereidheid bij het basisinkomen
Women in top positions: The role of self-efficacy and gendered language on women's career aspirations.