In this thesis, the argument is made that the extent to which secrecy was employed in early twentieth-century lynching in the American Deep South is dependent on whether that secrecy provided the...Show moreIn this thesis, the argument is made that the extent to which secrecy was employed in early twentieth-century lynching in the American Deep South is dependent on whether that secrecy provided the desired sense of security from persecution to those participating in a lynch mob. Using three case studies, ranging from a highly publicized and public killing in Waco, Texas, to a group slaying of remotely situated Mexican Texans by a division of Texas Rangers, to a highly coordinated attack on a jewish factory boss in the dark of night, it is argued that either the cover of obscurity or the anonimity in a large group setting could each supply the needed sense of safety for those participating in the lynching to commit to the act fully. The circumstances which would dictate the public or secretive approach varied widely in the studied cases, yet there are some common grounds to be found among them as well.Show less
Master thesis | Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
open access
Freshwater is an essential yet scarce good, that is predicted to only become scarcer because of climate change and growing populations. In addition, freshwater in rivers is often shared between...Show moreFreshwater is an essential yet scarce good, that is predicted to only become scarcer because of climate change and growing populations. In addition, freshwater in rivers is often shared between multiple countries. Despite multiple predictions by scholars and experts, states often do not go to war over freshwater. Instead, most disputes end in the signing of a treaty. However, these treaties are not always fair and do not, actually, always end conflict. In the view of this research, treaties are merely a way in which states fight, without using violence, and should thus be seen as a part of ongoing conflict, rather than the end of it. In addition, despite theoretical predictions, international organisations do not play a large role in the creation of River Basin Organisations and neither do hydrohegemons.Show less
De politieke aanloop naar afscheiding en de daaruit volgende Burgeroorlog was in weinig staten zo tumultueus als in South Carolina. De Palmetto State, gekenmerkt door een haast volledig van...Show moreDe politieke aanloop naar afscheiding en de daaruit volgende Burgeroorlog was in weinig staten zo tumultueus als in South Carolina. De Palmetto State, gekenmerkt door een haast volledig van slavernij afhankelijke agrarische economie, kent gedurende het Antebellum een aantal toonaangevende politieke crises. De Nullification Crisis, de Crisis van 1850-1851 en de Secession Crisis vormden drie onlosmakelijk verbonden politieke oproeren die South Carolina in december 1860 tot afscheiding van de Verenigde Staten bewoog. Echter, de herhaaldelijk opspelende roep om secessie in deze staat betekende niet dat er geen gedegen tegengeluid bestond. De Unionists, een officieuze, enigszins ongeorganiseerde groep politici, trachtten gedurende alledrie deze crises de dreigende afscheiding te voorkomen. In deze scriptie staan de Unionists van South Carolina en hun politieke activiteiten in het Antebellum centraal, om een nuancerende bijdrage te leveren aan de bestaande historiografie over de aanloop naar de Burgeroorlog.Show less