Leiden University Student Repository

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Discourses on Migration across the Postcolonial Route
Language and Order
The Artemis Accords and space weaponization: A commons approach
The Effect of Susceptibility to Sleep Deprivation on 6df Docking Performance: An Experimental Study
To the stars and beyond: the role of the private space industry in securitizing outer space
Missions of Exchange
A time, a space and a concept: Conceptual differences in the representation of time between L1 speakers of English and Mandarin-English bilinguals
A time, a Space and a Concept: Conceptual Differences in the Representation of Time between English Monolinguals and Mandarin-English Bilinguals
The European Space Policy: assessing its contribution to the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy through the lenses of neofunctionalism
Environmental Disaster in Japanese Literature: Narrativizations of Time and Space in O̅e Kenzaburō’s Somersault
The Production of Place: A Photographic Topoanalysis
All Imperfect Things: A bodily scope
Waltzing With Nero: A Syntactic Analysis of Movement Patterns in the Domus Aurea
Lepcis Magna: A study of cultural identity and space through the transformation of the city between the late 1st century BC through the Severan period
New Environment, Old Fears: The Security Dilemma and the Absence of a Prohibition on Space Weapons