The film Cría Cuervos, produced by Spanish director Carlos Saura in 1975 and screened for the first time in January 1976 in Madrid, combines a narrative as well as allegorical meaning and this...Show moreThe film Cría Cuervos, produced by Spanish director Carlos Saura in 1975 and screened for the first time in January 1976 in Madrid, combines a narrative as well as allegorical meaning and this constitutes the reason for choosing this specific film as a topic for the following thesis. The film is not only situated in-between the classical and the art film narrative but furthermore it marks the transitional crossroad at which Spain was at that moment: namely, the end of the Franco regime and the beginning of a democratic Spain. Because of the unique moment of production of Cría Cuervos it is so interesting to investigate the political as well as non-political idea behind the film. Questions such as how the film makes use of both, traits of the classical and modern art film cinema narrative and consequently if the film should be read as a classical or modern art film after all will be addressed. Furthermore, the thesis investigates whether Cría Cuervos can be rather understood as a mode of reading. Therefore, it will be analyzed as an allegory in comparison to the narrative analysis.Show less