This thesis examines the effects of the so-called Nayaka kings on Kandyan kingship in the first decade of the Nayaka period of the Kandyan kingdom (1729-1750). The thesis concludes that the decade...Show moreThis thesis examines the effects of the so-called Nayaka kings on Kandyan kingship in the first decade of the Nayaka period of the Kandyan kingdom (1729-1750). The thesis concludes that the decade before the Nayaka kings rose to power shows remarkable continuity with the first decade after the Nayaka kings ascended the Kandyan throne, and it is therefore difficult to state that the Nayaka ascension can be seen as a clear break with the former dynasty. The ceremonies at the court do not show any sign of an increased divinization, both Sri Vijaya Rajasinha (1739-1747) and Kirti Sri Rajasinha (1747-1782) even had a bigger emphasis on becoming/being an ideal Buddhist ruler, a Cakravarti.Show less
This thesis researches the impact of the Sri Lanka Easter attacks of 2019 on tourism to the country. The research question posed is ‘To what extent is the effect of the Easter terrorist attacks in...Show moreThis thesis researches the impact of the Sri Lanka Easter attacks of 2019 on tourism to the country. The research question posed is ‘To what extent is the effect of the Easter terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka reflected in tourists’ travel behaviour through risk perception?’. The literature gap on the impact of the Easter attacks on Sri Lanka has been the motivation for doing this research. The research is multi-disciplinary as it incorporating both political, economic and historical insights on the topic. It can be identified as qualitative research as it makes use of a case study method to research the topic. In order to answer the question, a literature review on terrorism, tourism and tourists’ risk perception has been conducted as well as five expert interviews with Dutch travel agencies that focus on the impact of the attacks on tourism to Sri Lanka. The literature review has been semi-structured, making use of fixed keywords to find peer-reviewed data through Google Scholar. Snowballing has been used as well as a means to find data. The expert interviews have also been semi-structured and probing is used during the interviews. The transcripts have been coded making use of the constant comparative method in order to analyse the data. The findings of the research are that terrorism strongly affects tourists’ risk perception and makes them perceive a destination as unsafe, which subsequently leads to a strong loss in tourism. This perception of risk deteriorates after a couple of months as people forget about the calamity and tourism starts to revive. This has also been the case for Sri Lanka, which experienced a strong loss of tourism after the attacks, but saw tourism increase again after a couple of months. Risk perception therefore strongly influences tourists’ choice in travel destination.Show less
The study of Indian Ocean archaeology has often focused on individual sites and has tended to focus primarily on connections between major port sites without the inclusion of smaller sites and the...Show moreThe study of Indian Ocean archaeology has often focused on individual sites and has tended to focus primarily on connections between major port sites without the inclusion of smaller sites and the spaces in between these major sites. Within this thesis I focus on the role of Sri Lanka within the broader context of the Indian Ocean trade networks. Sri Lanka has long been thought to have been a central point within these aforementioned trade networks due to its geographical location at the “center” of the Indian Ocean, coupled with its natural topography that made it an ideal safe port of call for ancient merchants. However, most of Sri Lanka’s prominence in this context is based off historical texts and sporadic archaeological evidence from major sites such as Mantai and Anuradhapura. This research will focus on a wider range of sites and archaeological evidence in order to see what exactly was Sri Lanka’s role within the broader Indian Ocean trade networks. In order to accomplish this I will create an overview of all the available evidence such as archaeological reports, scientific articles and publications related to this topic. Following this I will also provide suggestions for the continuation of this research so that it may benefit the wider academic community. These suggestions will include the application of digital techniques in the field such as LiDAR, in order to properly understand the spaces in between the major sites so that a more complete picture is gained rather than one that focuses mainly on famous urban sites. Alongside this I will also discuss methods to properly store and disseminate the data related to this research in a way that makes it more accessible to the wider academic community. Through the creation of an overview of all the available material as well as the aforementioned suggestions, I will provide a framework for the next steps to be taken in terms of research into Sri Lanka’s role in the Indian Ocean trade networks.Show less
Een onderzoek naar de invloed van berichtgeving op de betrokkenen bij interlandelijke adoptie. De interlandelijke adoptie tussen Sri Lanka en Nederland diende als casestudy.
In dit onderzoek stond de volgende vraag centraal: Hoe was de interactie van de lokale bevolking van Sri Lanka met de Nederlandse koloniale instituties en rechtsnormen op het gebied van...Show moreIn dit onderzoek stond de volgende vraag centraal: Hoe was de interactie van de lokale bevolking van Sri Lanka met de Nederlandse koloniale instituties en rechtsnormen op het gebied van huwelijkszaken in 1763 en 1764? In het eerste hoofdstuk was de Sri Lankaanse historische context beschreven aan de hand van secundaire literatuur. Door haar komst op Sri Lanka had de VOC het handelsmonopolie op kaneel overgenomen van de Portugezen. Onder de VOC reikte het kolonialisme verder dan alleen de handel; de Nederlanders oefenden door lokale instituties overheidsmacht uit. De Scholarchale Vergadering, die toezicht hield op het werk van de schoolmeesters en fungeerde als een civiele rechtbank, was zo’n institutie. De tweeledige rol van deze schoolmeesters – het verzorgen van het onderwijs en het bijhouden van de schoolthombo’s – maakten hen de ogen en oren van de VOC op het zuidwestelijke platteland. Zo kon de VOC tot op lokaal niveau invloed uitoefenen bij de Sri Lankaanse bevolking. Het tweede hoofdstuk richtte zich op het al bestaande lokale gewoonterecht rond het thema huwelijk en de interactie van de koloniale rechtsnormen en -orde met de lokale praktijk op dit punt. Er werd in secundaire literatuur gevonden dat de lokale bevolking zich vaak vasthield aan eigen huwelijksgewoonten; zij kenden het verband niet tussen een legale status en een huwelijk of een kind. Koloniale instellingen werden vaak verward met het eigen gewoonterecht en zo werden deze koloniale instellingen, zoals de vereiste twee stappen tot een legaal huwelijk, halfslachtig nageleefd. Sancties op het overtreden van de koloniale verordeningen werden vaak niet gehandhaafd en de Nederlanders sloten hun ogen voor lokale praktijken. De voorkeur van de VOC ging uit naar economische winst boven moralistische integriteit. In het derde hoofdstuk zijn de notulen van de Scholarchale Vergadering in Galle van de jaren 1763 en 1764 doorgespit. Het inside-out perspectief is hierbij in acht genomen: wat bewoog de lokale bevolking om huwelijkszaken aan een koloniale rechtsinstitutie, waar andere rechtsnormen golden, voor te leggen? De acht huwelijkszaken gevonden in deze twee jaar wijzen erop dat binnen de huwelijkspraktijk van de lokale bevolking het lokale gewoonterecht nog sterk de overhand behield ten opzichte van de koloniale rechtsnormen. Zodra er echter een persoonlijk voordeel te halen viel via koloniale juridische instituties wist de lokale bevolking deze te vinden – zo ook de Scholarchale Vergadering. Degenen die voor de Scholarchale Vergadering verschenen met een verzoek leken de koloniale rechtsnormen niet te verwarren met het eigen gewoonterecht: er bestond een bewustzijn van de juridische voordelen die hun verzoek met zich meebracht. Deze bevinding wijkt af van de secundaire literatuur. Pas als deze voordelen van toepassing waren werd er echter meegebogen in de koloniale rechtsnormen. De aanklagers hadden vaak voldoende – en in een enkel geval ontoereikende – kennis van de koloniale rechtsorde om te weten dat zij via de Scholarchale Vergadering voor hun eigen belang konden opkomen en hoe zij dit konden doen aan de hand van koloniale wetten en instellingen. Rupesinghe vond in haar studie van de Landraden dat de lokale bevolking deze koloniale instituties wist te consulteren uit eigenbelang. De bevindingen in dit onderzoek zijn in overeenstemming daarmee. Door naar de koloniale bureaucratie te gaan met onderlinge geschillen legitimeerde de lokale bevolking de macht van de VOC op het eiland, zoals Alicia Schrikker stelde.Show less
The colonial petition is a valuable source to get insight into the condition of colonised humanity. This thesis discusses forty-four petitions written in 1790 by peasant-cultivators in the Matara...Show moreThe colonial petition is a valuable source to get insight into the condition of colonised humanity. This thesis discusses forty-four petitions written in 1790 by peasant-cultivators in the Matara district. The petitioners transmitted these petitions to colonial officials in the first three months of an uprising in the countryside of Sri Lanka. The question this study aims to answer is: “How do petitions written during a protest in 1790 convey the resistance, negotiation, and experience of Dutch colonialism by inhabitants of the Matara dessavony?”Show less
This thesis looks at two scholarly works researching the debt traps in Nigeria and Sri Lanka. From these two scholarly works factors are derived and evaluated that, according to the scholarly works...Show moreThis thesis looks at two scholarly works researching the debt traps in Nigeria and Sri Lanka. From these two scholarly works factors are derived and evaluated that, according to the scholarly works, helped cause Nigeria and Sri Lanka's debt trap. These factors are then used to evaluate the case of Ethiopia and see to what extend this country runs the same risks. This thesis shows that based on the factors derived from the two scholarly sources, data on Ethiopia shows the presence of these factors, which indicate a risk for a possible future debt trap.Show less
In 1746 the Dutch East India Company (VOC) launched an invasion of the Rameshvaram island located between Sri Lanka and the Indian mainland. This thesis combines new VOC archival material with...Show moreIn 1746 the Dutch East India Company (VOC) launched an invasion of the Rameshvaram island located between Sri Lanka and the Indian mainland. This thesis combines new VOC archival material with existing literature on the combatants to answer the question what the military conflict reveals about India's balance of power at the dawn of British Raj as well as to show the interesting relationship between the Company and the Setupatis of Ramnad.Show less
In August 2010, The European Union (EU) withdrew its preferential trade agreement GSP+ from the island nation of Sri Lanka that was recovering from a long drawn civil war. The grounds for the...Show moreIn August 2010, The European Union (EU) withdrew its preferential trade agreement GSP+ from the island nation of Sri Lanka that was recovering from a long drawn civil war. The grounds for the withdrawal was cited to be Sri Lankan Government's poor human rights record in the latter stages of the war which had garnered international outcry. The ad hoc withdrawal of the scheme which was yoked to the Sri Lankan economy was damaging to the Sri Lankan economy and in particular its Ready-Made-Garment (RMG) industry that is central to povery alleviation in rural sectors of the country. In addition to the Sri Lankan Government was defiant of the EU's verdict and is believed to have made very little change. It is for this reason scholars argue that while the Human Rights concerns of the conflict were pressing, the objective of the EU withdrawal was unclear granted it achieved very little of its desired effect. Other writers have described it as 'democracy building' and 'economic terrorism' on the part of the EU. The objective of this research is to assess the effectiveness of the EU's withdrawal of GSP+ from the Sri Lankan economy and draw a conclusion on which side of the scholarly debate is more plausible.Show less
In 2007 Sri Lanka joined the ASEAN Regional Forum of the Association of South East Asian Nations. Sri Lanka has been working towards this for forty years. Already in 1967 and in 1981 the government...Show moreIn 2007 Sri Lanka joined the ASEAN Regional Forum of the Association of South East Asian Nations. Sri Lanka has been working towards this for forty years. Already in 1967 and in 1981 the government of the country voiced their desire to become a member. It was rejected on the grounds that the country was not part of Southeast Asia. Myanmar, which was a part of the region, was accepted into the regional organization in the nineties. The question that these developments raise is why does Sri Lanka not belong to the region of Southeast Asia? How did the representatives of the member states know where the borders were? My research questions was: Why was Sri Lanka not allowed to join the ASEAN and Burma was? The reason why Sri Lanka was not granted membership to the ASEAN that was given was that the country was not a part of Southeast Asia but I believe that a case can be made that the domestic situation in Sri Lanka has also played a part in the decision.Show less
Advanced master thesis | Political Science (Advanced Master)
open access
Economic diplomacy is now a standard practice. However, the strategies that countries use differ. This thesis examines if countries in the same income category, low middle, upper middle and high...Show moreEconomic diplomacy is now a standard practice. However, the strategies that countries use differ. This thesis examines if countries in the same income category, low middle, upper middle and high-income have similar strategy. It would follow from the literature that based on high-income status a more advance and integrated strategy is used. Research in this thesis concludes that especially the countries in the upper middle-income category are still traditional in their policy development and management, but when it comes to economic aid donors these countries have innovative programs in place.Show less