Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 19 of 19)
What is the effect of acute stress on affective empathy in female students?
Prosociality as a Moderator for the Relationship between Stress and Academic Achievement
Negative Expectancies, but not Stress, are Predictive of Cowhage-induced Itch Ratings and Urge to Scratch in a Healthy Population
Atypical treatment response to first-choice medication in  adults with ADHD
De invloed van rolconflict op slaapkwaliteit
The Relation between Stress and Threat-Related Attentional  Bias: The Moderating Effect of Attentional Control on the Association between Stress and  Attentional bias to High and Mild Threats
The relationship between  chronic exposure to road traffic  noise and blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Stressrelated growth disruption in medieval and post-medieval settlements in the Netherlands
The effects of acquaintanceship on restoration in nature
Op welke manier beïnvloeden verschillende gezinsfactoren de sociale competentie van een kind in de basisschoolleeftijd?
Hoe meer stress hoe beter?! Is er een relatie tussen het meemaken van stressvolle gebeurtenissen en de emotieregulatie van de aanstaande moeder?
Anders denken, anders doen: De emotionele intelligentie en emotieregulatie van kinderen met een autismespectrumstoornis
Kinderen met disruptieve gedragsstoornissen: executieve functies tijdens stress.