Leiden University Student Repository

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  • (-) = Superconductivity

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(1 - 13 of 13)
Towards long-range triplets in FSF heterostructures fabricated through shadow evaporation
Investigating the Spin Dynamics of Spin-Triplet Cooper Pairs
On On the development and construction of the Double-Flux Concentrator Trap
SQUID-on-tip Magnetic Microscopy using Tunneling-Based Height Control
Local interplay between the superconducting gap and the Van Hove singularity in overdoped Bi2201
Superconducting Spintronics in the Static and Dynamic Regime
Characterizing and Simulating Transition Edge Sensors
Towards Spin Triplet Superconducting junctions in a Dynamic Regime
Direct-Write Josephson junctions using Electron-Beam-Induced Deposition
Measuring the Critical Temperature of Superconductors: A Precursor to Periodic Nanopatterning
Towards better superconductors by periodic nanopatterning
On investigation of high temperature superconductivity and the origin of ionic liquid gating in La2-xSrxCuO4 and SrTiO3
The Elliptical Lead Zeppelin