Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 14 of 14)
Modernity and Ukiyo-e: a manufactured positive modernity depicted on ukiyo-e prints from the Meiji period
Risks and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in Public Sector Recruitment and Selection Processes
The Chinese State and Chinese Tech Giants: A race for technological influence?
An Indigenous Concept of Innovation?
Voter Manipulation in the Cybernetic Age
Messages Woven into Textile from Andean Capacocha Burials: Connecting Technology to Symbolism in Inca Ceremonial Clothing
Christian Televangelism: Influence of Globalization and Technological Advancements on Religion
Capitalized Attention vs. Human Intention - Understanding the Implications ofObjectified Attention Capital in Digital Media
The Blockchain: How the 'Revolting' Technology May be the Answer to China's Trust Scenario
To what extent does Foreign Direct Investment in the Kenyan floricultural sector contribute positively to endogenous economic development in Kenya?
Up in the air: radio, identity and politics in the Dutch East Indies, 1927-1942
Alone Together: a Tactful Reading of Virginia Woolf’s The Waves and Ali Smith’s How to be Both
Schaamteloos Handelen
Social Media, Politicians and Sex Scandals in Indonesia