Over the recent years Japanese animation has seen the rise of a new form of the science fiction genre, namely technoludic anime, or anime that involves video game elements. Commentative technoludic...Show moreOver the recent years Japanese animation has seen the rise of a new form of the science fiction genre, namely technoludic anime, or anime that involves video game elements. Commentative technoludic anime, the main focus of this research, are part of a critical discourse on techno- culture and its future. This genre of anime taps into themes such as gender identity, nationalism, societies of control and the disintegration of ontological boundaries while using video game portrayal and video game play as the main focus of their narrative. It also either tends to smear or beautify video games through technophobic or technophilic themes which are supported by binary opposition such as lived experience and fantasy, and the real and the virtual. Considering the popularity of video games, it is no surprise that commentative technoludic anime have not only gained recognition in "digitally native" Japan, but also resonate with viewers on a global scale. Kawahara Reki's Sword Art Online has gained massive attention and can be seen as one of the icons of this commentative technoludic anime genre. Through its technophilic-tinted themes the series stimulates philosophical thinking by proposing a different understanding of virtual worlds and ontological boundaries. Throughout its story a young otaku recluse heightens the intensity of his life by moving into a new virtual exterior, finding its beauty along the way. The story's proposition, one that accentuates the merits, beauty, and realness of the virtual, is strengthened through the addition of life-like AI characters, exciting adventure, a beautiful environment and most surprisingly, death. Furthermore, even though Sword Art Online represents its virtual world as a video game, its world lacks the characteristics of play, showing that the virtual world Sword Art Online revolves around isultimately, not really a video game, but a sensational replacement for life in the real world.Show less