The popular musical genre known as hip-hop was introduced in the Netherlands in the 1980s; over the years the Dutch developed their own particular type of hip-hop known as Nederhop. According to...Show moreThe popular musical genre known as hip-hop was introduced in the Netherlands in the 1980s; over the years the Dutch developed their own particular type of hip-hop known as Nederhop. According to Gazzah (2008), Nederhop is merely the 'regular' variant of Dutch hip-hop, as immigrants of Moroccan descent participating in the Nederhop scene have created a new subgenre called Maroc-hop using elements from Moroccan traditional music. This work provides information on these musical genres as well as an overview of the languages and processes involved in the creation of Nederhop and Maroc-hop. By investigating the way lyrics are set to music, and how rhyme is used in both subgenres I attempt to identify the linguistic components that distinguish Nederhop from Maroc-hop.Show less