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(1 - 20 of 57)


The Domestication and Foreignization of Neologisms in Three Dutch Translations of Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Lost in Translation: Translation Strategies and Loss in Legal Subtitling
Expectations on Translation Products
Mind Your Language
The Retranslation Hypothesis Revisited
Small Lizards, Large Translation Problems
Developing Views on Translating Regional, Social, and Racial Dialects into Dutch: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1885-2019
Contemporary Chinese poetry, translation and world literature: Bei Dao and Yang Lian in English and Italian
Ctrl+V for Verdict: An Analysis of Dutch to English Legal Machine Translation
A Good Hum Hummed Hopefully to Others: The Translation of Children’s Book Songs and their Effect on Reading Out Loud
What translation methods and strategies can be applied to best translate puns in Japanese media to English?
Global IR(evolution): Language, Political Economy, and Problems Going Forward for Global IR
Cultural References in Dutch Subtitles: Translation Strategies used in Langs de Oevers van de Yangtze
Leoðcræftig, Skilled in Song: Translating the Old English Deor Into Modern English Verse
Yakuwarigo Lost in Translation: A Foreignising Approach to Translating Yakuwarigo
Swearing on the importance of context
