This thesis examines China’s cultural (foreign) policies. Taking a sample of three different case studies, this thesis aims to find an answer to the question of how China is using cultural heritage...Show moreThis thesis examines China’s cultural (foreign) policies. Taking a sample of three different case studies, this thesis aims to find an answer to the question of how China is using cultural heritage as a means to becoming a modern imperial power. A possible reason for the Chinese government to do this is that the current global power dynamic is shifting eastwards, away from the U.S., and towards China. Over the three case studies, which all fall into a different type of imperialism, it becomes clear that the cultural heritage policies China employs are not just soft power, but indeed are cultural imperialism.Show less
As climate change continues to threaten cultural heritage in Africa, creating conservation strategies for their protection is of urgent need. Given the history of colonialism and dispossession of...Show moreAs climate change continues to threaten cultural heritage in Africa, creating conservation strategies for their protection is of urgent need. Given the history of colonialism and dispossession of cultural heritage in Africa, understanding the power dynamics between international actors within cultural heritage protection, and local communities is relevant. Therefore the research attempts to analyse how conservation efforts, particularly of climate-threatened heritage, can reinforce or challenge unequal power dynamics between the local community members and external actors. This thesis examines UNESCO’s Earthen Architecture protection Program (WHEAP), and its conservation efforts in Mali’s world heritage sites of Timbuktu and Djenné. The methodology followed the qualitative analysis of the project initiatives’ documentation. The analysis followed the theoretical framework which evaluated the followig factors: Funding & resources, Conservation Practices and Strategies, Community Engagement, Knowledge systems, Economic and Social Impact. The study contextualizes the sites by identifying the main threats from climate change and gives an account of past protection projects. The findings reveal mixed results but show that the program showcased a good level of inclusion of the communities and their traditional knowledge. At a first glance, the thesis underscores the need to protect African cultural heritage, especially given its higher vulnerability from climate change, but does so while emphasizing equitable and just relationships between local custodians of a particular heritage and external actors. Furthermore the research helps identify good practices which can inform future multilateral climate-centered heritage protection projects while ensure more just and community based practices.Show less
Ondanks dat gendergelijkheid de wereldprioriteit van UNESCO is, is het geen realiteit. Hiermee worden vrouwen dagelijks geconfronteerd. Door de integratie van de artificiële intelligentie wordt de...Show moreOndanks dat gendergelijkheid de wereldprioriteit van UNESCO is, is het geen realiteit. Hiermee worden vrouwen dagelijks geconfronteerd. Door de integratie van de artificiële intelligentie wordt de ongelijkheid versterkt. Het blijkt dat de genderongelijkheid in A.I. wordt veroorzaakt door genderstereotyperingen met alle (fatale) gevolgen van dien voor vrouwen. Hier komt bij dat UNESCO’s Agenda 2030, die betrekking heeft op de totale wereldbevolking, afhankelijk is van de gendergelijkheid en de toepassing van artificiële intelligentie. Dit onderwerp verdient meer aandacht. Hierom gaat dit onderzoek in op UNESCO’s storytelling over de gender bias in artificiële intelligentie en in hoeverre UNESCO effectief is met het agenderen van dit issue middels storytelling. Om meer bewustwording hieromtrent te creëren gebruikt UNESCO storytelling als strategie, welke wordt geanalyseerd op basis van de theorieën van Joos (2021) en Kent (2015). Omdat dit issue opkomend is, wordt de storytelling rondom twee vergelijkbare issues geanalyseerd, namelijk: de (onder)vertegenwoordiging van vrouwen in de sportsector en in (het hogere onderwijs en) de wetenschap. Op basis van de geïdentificeerde patronen kan een uitspraak worden gedaan over de kans dat UNESCO succesvol zal zijn in het agenderen van het opkomende issue over de gender bias in artificiële intelligentie. Op basis van de bevindingen wordt de hoofdvraag beantwoord, welke als volgt luidt: ‘‘Op welke wijze gebruikt UNESCO storytelling om de gender bias in artificiële intelligentie te agenderen en hoe effectief is zij hierbij?’’ Uit de bevindingen blijkt dat de framing van het issue bepalend is. De gevolgen van de gender bias in A.I. wordt geframed als cruciaal en onmisbare capaciteit voor de realisatie van de Agenda 2030. Dankzij de nabijheid van het issue en de Agenda 2030 resoneert het publiek sneller met UNESCO’s storytelling. Het probleem van de gender bias in A.I. wordt concreet gemaakt waardoor sneller een verbinding wordt gemaakt met het publiek. Hierbij is het opvallend dat het issue abstract wordt gemaakt als UNESCO het issue framed als een mensenrechtenkwestie, zoals bij de kwestie rondom vrouwen in de sportsector. Dit heeft als gevolg dat het publiek minder snel resoneert met de storytelling met als gevolg dat er minder snel aandacht wordt gekregen voor het betreffende issue. UNESCO’s storytelling kent een dramatische, emotionele en politieke toon waarbij de gender bias in A.I. letterlijk een gezicht krijgt. De storytelling is een vertaling van de women empowerment als strategie van UNESCO. Dit onderzoek toont aan dat UNESCO succesvol is in de roep om politieke aandacht omtrent de gender bias in artificiële intelligentie door middel van storytelling aangezien organisaties, instituten en instellingen door UNESCO’s storytelling worden gemotiveerd om tot actie te komen. Echter, uit de analyse blijkt dat de bijdrage van de man achterwege wordt gehouden in de storytelling doordat de nadruk ligt op women empowerment. Dit doet af aan de effectiviteit van de storytelling aangezien de gender bias in A.I. wereldwijde gevolgen heeft. Ondanks het gedeeltelijke succes heeft UNESCO te maken met tegenwerkingen in het agenderen, oftewel: agenda denial. Tot op heden blijkt dat strategische tegenwerkingen zich uiten in de vorm van ontkenning van het probleem en tegenwerkingen gericht op het voorgenomen beleid. Vanuit het perspectief van Cobb en Ross (1997) worden deze vormen van tegenwerkingen in het agenderen geschaard onder de ‘lage kosten strategie’ en de ‘medium kosten strategie’. UNESCO weet de tegenwerkende krachten te overwinnen dankzij de concrete framing van de gender bias in A.I. en door concrete gebeurtenissen te benoemen in de storytelling. Naar verwachting zal toekomstig onderzoek andere vormen van agenda denial identificeren. Voortvloeiend op de hoofdvraag toetst dit onderzoek een hypothese, namelijk: ‘Indien de storytelling vanuit UNESCO een combinatie bevat van de zeven boeifactoren (Joos, 2021) en het identificatie-onderdeel waardoor het publiek resoneert met de storytelling (Kent, 2015), zal dit leiden tot succes in het agenderen van het issue van de gender bias in artificiële intelligentie op de politieke agenda van organisaties, instituten en instellingen’. Op basis van de bevindingen en de beantwoording van de onderzoeksvraag wordt de hypothese verworpen. Ondanks dat het issue van de gender bias in A.I. politieke aandacht krijgt dankzij UNESCO’s storytelling, blijkt de storytelling niet effectief te zijn. Gendergelijkheid in A.I. betreft een issue, die betrekking heeft op de totale populatie. Uitgaande hiervan is de bijdrage van de man in de gendergelijkheidsbevordering van belang. Echter, dit blijkt niet uit UNESCO’s storytelling. Vanuit het perspectief van Joos (2021) en Kent (2015) kan op basis van de respectievelijke boeifactoren en identificatie-theorie de vraag worden gesteld in hoeverre UNESCO het juiste publiek toespreekt. Vanuit een kritisch oogpunt, kent dit onderzoek een aantal kanttekeningen, namelijk: storytelling is niet in alle gevallen voldoende om agenda denial te doorbreken. Bovendien is een analyse vanuit het perspectief van storytelling niet alleszeggend over het agenderen van een onderwerp. Om de effectiviteit van de storytelling gender bias in A.I. op de agendavorming verder te onderzoeken, kan vervolgonderzoek worden gedaan naar de strategische vormen van agenda denial in een later stadium. Hierbij kan rekening worden gehouden met de bijdrage van de man in de gendergelijkheidsbevordering en de agendering op de politieke agenda elders, zoals specifiek de Europese Commissie. Tot slot wordt op basis van de bevindingen aanbevolen om de bijdrage van mannen op te nemen in de storytelling waardoor women empowerment als strategie naar de achtergrond treedt. Aangezien het een wereldwijde issue betreft, die eenieder aangaat, kan dit een positieve invloed hebben het beoogde resultaat. Zoals de vraag in de titel van dit onderzoek luidt: ‘Siri, is this really a man’s world?’, blijkt uit dit onderzoek dat het inderdaad een mannenwereld betreft, maar dat het niets zou zijn zonder bijdrage vanuit de vrouwen.Show less
This thesis examines the ongoing division between nature and culture in international heritage management. Despite efforts to integrate both aspects, the division persists and is often reinforced...Show moreThis thesis examines the ongoing division between nature and culture in international heritage management. Despite efforts to integrate both aspects, the division persists and is often reinforced by international heritage processes and categorisations, historically established, and promoted by organisations like UNESCO, which contributes to a disconnect between local, national, and international processes, frequently marginalising local communities. Through a multidisciplinary approach this thesis examines the impact of World Heritage listings that incorporate both natural and cultural criteria, using the case study of Khangchendzonga National Park (KNP) in the Indian state of Sikkim. Inscribed as India’s first mixed natural and cultural World Heritage Site in 2016, the KNP boasts a remarkable range of environments, resulting in exceptional biodiversity. Additionally, the landscape holds deep spiritual and cultural significance for local communities such as the Lepcha, and international Buddhist communities, who consider it a sacred hidden land. These relationships have established unique customs, worldviews, material culture, and traditional knowledge. In this context, natural and cultural heritage are intricately interconnected, providing an opportunity to explore whether mixed listings can transcend the traditional Western dichotomy of nature versus culture and enable more integrated heritage management.Show less
A socio-historical, comparative curriculum study in both time (1945-2010s) and space (France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) concerning the representation of European identity in two types...Show moreA socio-historical, comparative curriculum study in both time (1945-2010s) and space (France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) concerning the representation of European identity in two types of secondary school curricula: the formal curricula of these four Western European countries and the so-called 'ideological curricula' consisting out of international recommendations from the Council of Europe and UNESCO. The starting point of the research is that a majority of citizens in the European Union consider themselves to feel 'European' in one way or another according to Eurobarometer surveys. The thesis further explores the relationship with curriculum reforms and international educational organisations since 1945. The idea of having complementary, international forms of identity and citizenship requires the increase of international understanding among citizens over time. Meanwhile, fostering international understanding has generally been the main purpose of UNESCO. Curriculum construction is a comprehensive, unfathomable process, but the four cases of formal curricula demonstrate the rise of a global scope in history education throughout the decades. The thesis suggests that education can be understood as a gearwheel accelerating the processes of European integration that were already in place.Show less
While the ancient kingdom of Koguryŏ is commonly understood to be one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, over the course of the 20th century China has disputed Korea’s claim over Koguryŏ history and...Show moreWhile the ancient kingdom of Koguryŏ is commonly understood to be one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, over the course of the 20th century China has disputed Korea’s claim over Koguryŏ history and heritage. This paper argues that China, North Korea and South Korea are using the UNESCO World Heritage List to gain the upper hand in the dispute. This paper subsequently asks the question of "How has the UNESCO World Heritage List been used to prove ownership over the ancient cultural heritage of Koguryŏ/Gaogouli by China and Korea since the 20th century?” Using Discourse Analysis as well as Smith’s Authorized Heritage Discourse, the ongoing debate over Koguryŏ is analyzed. This paper also questions UNESCO's role in international disputes over the ownership of heritage and argues that the UNESCO World Heritage List is able to be used by countries for benefits other than the preservation of heritage. The main argument in this paper is that UNESCO's World Heritage List is used as a stage on which ownership over the ancient Koguryŏ/Gaogouli kingdom is publically proclaimed due to UNESCO’s international status as well as other benefits that come from a place on the World Heritage List.Show less
This thesis focuses on the past, present and future of hawker centres in Singapore. Hawker centres are essentially communal dining spaces that allow Singaporeans from different ethnic backgrounds...Show moreThis thesis focuses on the past, present and future of hawker centres in Singapore. Hawker centres are essentially communal dining spaces that allow Singaporeans from different ethnic backgrounds to enjoy a wide range of hawker foods for an affordable price. Singapore’s hawker culture has been able to exist alongside Singapore’s rapid urban development, beginning with street food sold by itinerant hawkers and transformed into hawker centres. Over the years these hawker centres have become more than just dining spaces and have become an indispensable part of Singapore. Changes in Singapore’s near future have triggered questions about the continuity of the hawker trade and the preservation of traditional dishes. Taking matters in their own hands, Singapore has nominated hawker culture for UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as they believe this is an intrinsic part of Singaporean identity and should be preserved and passed down to future generations. The aim of this thesis is to study the meaning of hawker culture in contemporary Singapore by discussing three periods of time, while discussing food as intangible heritage and its contribution to identity and belongingness.Show less
It is commonly accepted that food is part of heritage; indeed, food, because of its universal character, carries an emotional value that makes it a fundamental component of identity-making. Food...Show moreIt is commonly accepted that food is part of heritage; indeed, food, because of its universal character, carries an emotional value that makes it a fundamental component of identity-making. Food heritage was given an international recognition in 2010 when the UNESCO inscribed the first culinary practices on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Taking the Gastronomic Meal of the French registered in 2010, and the Japanese Washoku inscribed in 2013, this paper explores the issues surrounding the listing of national culinary traditions by the UNESCO. First, comparing the registration processes in France and Japan allows to understand how both elements can be perceived as “invented traditions”. However, the inscription had various consequences; if both countries used the UNESCO label for political and economic purposes, it seems like France did it to a lesser degree than Japan. Finally, a newspapers analysis shows the divergent reactions in the French and Japanese media and underlines the political nature of the inscription.Show less
This thesis investigates how heritage is constructed in ways that disadvantage and exclude women. This heritagization process has tremendous effects on the everyday lives of women. Through a...Show moreThis thesis investigates how heritage is constructed in ways that disadvantage and exclude women. This heritagization process has tremendous effects on the everyday lives of women. Through a feminist human rights approach, I have examined in what ways this heritage-making process infringes upon the rights of women, taking Japan as the context for this study. Japan is a global player in the international community, promoting culture as a form of cultural diplomacy (soft power), and brands itself as a modern and peaceful nation state. At the same time, they claim to promote women’s empowerment and fund several international programmes. However, their heritage practices serves the purpose of consolidating their national identity, often to the detriment of women. The issues surrounding the memorialization of Comfort Women is discussed, an issue that is highly political and controversial. Heritage managers are made aware of the impact decisions have on what to preserve as heritage, and whose interest it serves, and how to be inclusive in representing heritage. The second case study contextualizes the practice of excluding women from sacred sites, and names the effects of elevating the pilgrimage Kii Mountain range to World Heritage Status, thereby legitimizing the exclusion of women as tradition. The study shows that the actual heritage practice is more nuanced and doubt is places on UNESCO’s commitment to gender equality. The importance of applying a gender lens to heritage analysis is stressed, guided by the International Women’s Convention (CEDAW), and heritage managers are made aware of their responsibility in promoting just and diverse narratives and engaging women at all decision-making levels.Show less
Although the period of colonial rule by the Netherlands and Portugal is a thing of the past, there is a plenitude of ‘overseas cultural heritage’ (OCH) around the world, referring to unmoveable...Show moreAlthough the period of colonial rule by the Netherlands and Portugal is a thing of the past, there is a plenitude of ‘overseas cultural heritage’ (OCH) around the world, referring to unmoveable heritage sites that were created under the colonial influence or former presence of nation states on a territory that is not part of these states today. Policy regarding OCH offers complex challenges and possibilities to present-day governments as the heritage is at the crossroads of the cultural and political involvement of both the former colonized and colonizer and thus bridges the colonial past into the current postcolonial reality. Nevertheless, research analysing and comparing OCH policy of former colonial powers at several levels of governance is rare. This thesis builds on, and adds to, the existing research by conducting a multidisciplinary (policy analysis and heritage definition analysis) and multilateral (bilateral and multilateral) comparative analysis of the OCH-policy of the Netherlands and Portugal. At core is the research question: what policy strategy have the Dutch and Portuguese governments developed concerning their OCH in the past century at both bilateral and multilateral level of governance, and to what extent are the policy strategies comparable? To answer this main research question, the thesis conducts a multidisciplinary analysis that combines a policy analysis of the OCH-policy of the Netherlands and Portugal at bilateral and multilateral level of governance at UNESCO, with the examination of the heritage definition at the heart of the existing policy, the latter by examining how the policy deals with the challenging commonality of OCH. The research enabled to map the differences and commonalities of the Dutch and Portuguese OCH-policy strategies.Show less
Research master thesis | Archaeology (research) (MA/MSc)
closed access
The UNESCO World Heritage List is both growing in popularity and gaining criticism in the heritage discourse. Where a place on the list can lead to economic benefit for communities and more...Show moreThe UNESCO World Heritage List is both growing in popularity and gaining criticism in the heritage discourse. Where a place on the list can lead to economic benefit for communities and more adequate protection of heritage, problems can be found in a geographical bias of inscribed sites, preference of monumental heritage and promotion of national importance at the expense of local values. In Nicaragua there are problems concerning heritage in the sense that there is a cultural bias present that favours colonial heritage over pre-Hispanic heritage. Moreover, apart from the Pacific zone, hardly any heritage research has taken place in the country so far. In order to conquer some of these global and national problems and due to its archaeological significance, this thesis aims research the possibilities for a potential World Heritage Nomination for the pre-Hispanic site of Aguas Buenas, Chontales, Nicaragua. This site consists of 372 mounds that are spatially organized in a particular geometrical formation, accompanied by at least 150 petroglyphs. In order to answer the main question: “Does the pre-Hispanic site of Aguas Buenas, Chontales, Nicaragua have potential to be included in UNESCO’s World Heritage List?”, extensive literature research was carried out, accompanied by field work in the form of mapping and ethnographic interviewing. In this thesis, a landscape description is carried out and a preservation analysis is undertaken. It is also researched if Aguas Buenas adheres to UNESCO’s criteria for becoming World Heritage. Lastly, a stakeholder analysis and assessment is carried. The results provided in this thesis show that in terms of archaeological qualities there is a strong argument for a World Heritage inscription of Aguas Buenas. In addition, none of the stakeholders is by definition against a nomination and the majority of the people living in and around the site have expressed an interest in being involved in a potential heritage designation. However, due to the governmental dynamics of the country concerning archaeological heritage in the Chontales Province, there is no guarantee for an adequate protection and management of the property in practice, which is required by UNESCO. Therefore, even though the site is archaeologically significant enough for a nomination, problematics concerning governmental interests need to be solved first. A first step in solving these problematics can be found in offering information requested by the stakeholders and also showing people in Nicaragua on both a national and local scale the importance Aguas Buenas as both an archaeological site and a rural community can have for them.Show less
This research focuses on participatory management and explores how issues with implementation manifest themselves in an environment outside of the Western democratic context within which they are...Show moreThis research focuses on participatory management and explores how issues with implementation manifest themselves in an environment outside of the Western democratic context within which they are formed. It is argued here that although UNESCO is attempting to be inclusive of a variety of cultures, it still operates from a Eurocentric perspective and this creates unrealistic expectations of nation states that have a different cultural and institutional construction. The archaeological site of Nemrud Daǧ, located in southeastern Turkey, was chosen as a case study to illustrate the arguments made in this paper. This thesis could be interpreted as an in-depth stakeholder analysis for the site, highlighting problematic areas between stakeholders and the social, political and economic context which create them. The emphasis here is on the context that creates significance as opposed to the significance itself. This is because it is these factors that dictate significance and also create obstacles with participation. The Turkish Republic is not in the same position as Western Europe, yet it has a long history of aspiring to be. This is what makes the position of the country and its attitudes towards heritage so fascinating.Show less
Kimchi is a Korean fermented dish that has a important role in the Korean cuisine. The practice of making kimchi, called kimjang is a tradition that is practices for hundreds of years. This paper...Show moreKimchi is a Korean fermented dish that has a important role in the Korean cuisine. The practice of making kimchi, called kimjang is a tradition that is practices for hundreds of years. This paper focuses on the importance of kimchi and kimjang in Korean society and how this has changed with the modernization of the Korean society.With the inscription of kimjang as intangible cultural heritage on the representative list of UNESCO, the position of kimchi and kimjang changed significantly. This paper will also look at the intangible cultural heritage system of UNESCO, the inscription of food practices as intangible heritage, but also what such an inscription does with the value of the inscribed element. Lastly, the nomination of North Korea with the same element, under the name kimchi making will be analyzed to understand the position of kimjang in North Korea, but also the noticeable similarities and differences in both nominations by the two Koreas.Show less
In december 2013 is door de UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) op de representatieve lijst van het immaterieel erfgoed van de mensheid washoku toegevoegd. Bij...Show moreIn december 2013 is door de UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) op de representatieve lijst van het immaterieel erfgoed van de mensheid washoku toegevoegd. Bij de certificering van washoku als immaterieel cultureel erfgoed zijn de culinaire gebruiken rondom het nieuwjaar bijzondere aandacht gegeven. De officiële benaming luidt: ‘Washoku, traditional dietary culture of the Japanese, notably for the celebration of New Year’. De scriptie richt zich op de nieuwjaarstradities en de redenen van het verlies van populariteit van deze tradities.Show less
Research master thesis | African Studies (research) (MA)
open access
La ville historique de Grand-Bassam est inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO depuis le 29 juin 2012. Elle comprend le Quartier France, première capitale coloniale française en Côte d’Ivoire,...Show moreLa ville historique de Grand-Bassam est inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO depuis le 29 juin 2012. Elle comprend le Quartier France, première capitale coloniale française en Côte d’Ivoire, et un village de l’ethnie N’zima. Ce mémoire s’intéresse à la question de l’appropriation symbolique du Quartier France par les habitants de la ville historique. Une recherche qualitative a été menée à travers une méthodologie qui combine entretiens d’experts avec des acteurs clés, entretiens semi-directifs avec les habitants et observations directes et indirectes sur le terrain. Elle met en exergue l’existence d’une appropriation symbolique dont les modalités diffèrent selon deux groupes majeurs: les allogènes et N’zima "déracinés" du Quartier France qui développent un marquage trace de l’espace, et les autochtones du village N’zima qui expriment à la fois un marquage trace et un marquage présence matérialisé par la célébration de la fête de l’Abissa.Show less
Research master thesis | Asian Studies (research) (MA)
closed access
This thesis explores how discourse of heritage has been constructed in Taiwan, under the great influence of the world-leading heritage organization, UNESCO (the United Nations Educational,...Show moreThis thesis explores how discourse of heritage has been constructed in Taiwan, under the great influence of the world-leading heritage organization, UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and its affiliated international organizations. This thesis does not attempt to give a single definition of the heritage discourse being constructed, knowing there is no one discourse about “the heritage”, but focuses on the mechanism for making discourse and the power relations that underpin it. This thesis expects to answer three main questions as follows: to what extent can the definitions and values of heritage constructed by UNESCO be applied in the context of Taiwan? What actors can be identified in the process of discourse making? What are their motivations and interests? The discussion will be developed from three aspects: 1) the changes in heritage categories in the Taiwanese heritage preservation law, Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, 2) the reproduction of World Heritage system in Taiwan, and 3) the heritage discourse and power-relation shown in the text of the international declaration launched in Taiwan, Taipei Declaration for Asian Industrial Heritage (2012).Show less
This thesis studies the impact of shared heritage practices on local, non-Western, communities by means of a comparison between the Dutch Shared Cultural Heritage (GCE-) policy and the UNESCO 1972...Show moreThis thesis studies the impact of shared heritage practices on local, non-Western, communities by means of a comparison between the Dutch Shared Cultural Heritage (GCE-) policy and the UNESCO 1972 World Heritage Convention. Specific emphasis is put on the local views regarding these practices, in an attempt to move beyond the Western and neocolonial discourse that has dominated the field for the past decades. Through the execution of an in depth literature study on the history and rationale of both the GCE-policy and the UNESCO Convention, and through the assessment of a never before published comprehensive study on the functioning and effects on the local communities of the GCE-policy, and the execution of an original study on the local views of (designation of) World Heritage Sites through the case study of Stone Town of Zanzibar, Tanzania, it can be said that in order for the shared heritage policies and practices to become more successful, they need to start taking local communities into account. At the moment the cooperation in most cases only runs through local authorities or one or two local heritage specialists, but the rest of the community is not truly taken into account. As such, their ideas, wishes, and most importantly needs are not implemented in the projects and heritage practices, which as a result struggle to survive without the initiating party’s continuous efforts and money. The Dutch and UNESCO strife to make the local communities see the intrinsic value of the heritage concerned, that they feel is so important themselves, but fail to see that all parties value specific heritage differently or for very differing reasons. For the partner countries, the main incentive to join the shared heritage practices is an economic one. Instead of judging this, both UNESCO and the Dutch heritage organizations should appreciate that this is the reality that their local counterpart organizations have to deal with, and as such they should carefully listen to the local demands in order to come to a mutually agreed solution to any problems regarding the heritage. Only if local communities are taken into account in the implementation of shared heritage projects and policies, can they become sustainable and self-sufficient. What is important in shared heritage practices are not shared values regarding the heritage, but a shared understanding of all the disparate values concerned.Show less