In this thesis the author analyses the events between November 9th, 1918 and January 15th 1919 in Germany and Berlin in particular. This period is characterised by political instability. The...Show moreIn this thesis the author analyses the events between November 9th, 1918 and January 15th 1919 in Germany and Berlin in particular. This period is characterised by political instability. The socialist movement had fractured during the First World War over the support of the war effort. Radical socialists were further emboldened by the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The struggle between the three main factions of German socialism; the moderate MSPD, the independents of the USPD and the radical Spartakusbund, forms the core of this thesis. This thesis answers the question to what extent was the Spartacist Uprising a revolution to defend the November revolution or a counter revolution which would only damage the gains of the November revolution? By analysing primary sources such as newspapers, autobiographies and personal recollections the attitudes and opinions of these three parties the author traces the evolution these parties and their leaders underwent during the months November, December and January. Recent work by Mark Jones on the role of autosuggestion (self-generated beliefs allowing historical actors to truly and firmly believe that particular events were happening when they in fact were not) and the role and nature of revolutionary crowds provide additional perspectives how the main leaders of the three parties behaved during times of massive pressure.Show less
Scriptie over de Joodse, linkse intellectueel en pacifist Ernst Toller (1893-1939). Hij schreef een autobiografie, toneelstukken, brieven en vele kritische geschriften over de Weimar Republiek....Show moreScriptie over de Joodse, linkse intellectueel en pacifist Ernst Toller (1893-1939). Hij schreef een autobiografie, toneelstukken, brieven en vele kritische geschriften over de Weimar Republiek. Deze scriptie concentreert zich op de periode 1924-1933 met als leidraad de vraag hoe Tollers ideale samenleving eruit zag en hoe dit ideaal zich vertaalde in zijn kritiek op de Weimarrepubliek. De volgende drie aspecten komen aan bod: zijn kritiek op geweld, zijn kritiek op het rechtssysteem en zijn kritiek op de verdeeldheid binnen links.Show less