This thesis conducts a comparative case study analysis of the differing strategies of Rwanda and Uganda in managing conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the objective to...Show moreThis thesis conducts a comparative case study analysis of the differing strategies of Rwanda and Uganda in managing conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the objective to contribute to a nuanced understanding of power dynamics and security imperatives in the African Great Lakes Region. By applying a realist theoretical International Relations framework, this study analyses how the respective strategies of Rwanda and Uganda reflect their economic, security, and geopolitical interests, as well as the implications for regional stability. The methodology of this thesis relies on a systematic document analysis of UNSC Group of Experts reports, complemented with research reports by NGOs and think tanks. This thesis reveals that Rwanda's policies combine centralised and confrontational strategies with its historical security narrative, whereas Uganda's policies focus on maintaining entrenched smuggling networks and strategic use of minerals to boost its economy and regional significance. The comparative analysis illustrates how both countries use conflict minerals to enhance their geopolitical position in the region, thereby contributing to regional instability and a security dilemma.Show less
There supposedly is a lot of potential in the African economies, though up until now most of these countries have been unable to channel this potential. An example of an industry in which a lot of...Show moreThere supposedly is a lot of potential in the African economies, though up until now most of these countries have been unable to channel this potential. An example of an industry in which a lot of money can be made, is the coffee sector. This sector has been exploited for its bare resources, leaving farmers with very little return for their efforts. Tony Elumelu has devised an economic philosophy; Africapitalism, which presumably mitigates these issues. The effects of this philosophy in combination with Supply Chain Management can be witnessed Good African Coffee ltd. in Uganda. This poses the question of whether this combination can be beneficial to not only this company, but the Ugandan coffee sector in general and if so, maybe even other sectors as well.Show less
Uganda is one of the most important coffee producing countries in Africa with coffee making up the highest percentage of its export revenues. However, coffee producers in the country often have...Show moreUganda is one of the most important coffee producing countries in Africa with coffee making up the highest percentage of its export revenues. However, coffee producers in the country often have relatively low living standards and face various challenges including low income, dependence on the volatility of international coffee prices, gender inequality and environmental degradation. Fair trade was founded with the aspiration to mitigate these challenges and to enhance producers living standards. While it has had some success with counterbalancing coffee price fluctuation and increasing farmers’ income, it has not achieved significant results in terms of reducing gender inequality or protecting the environment.Show less
This thesis examines the perception Ugandan citizens have of Swahili. Historically, Swahili and Uganda have not been a good marriage. There is an abundant amount of literature available about the...Show moreThis thesis examines the perception Ugandan citizens have of Swahili. Historically, Swahili and Uganda have not been a good marriage. There is an abundant amount of literature available about the use of Swahili in Uganda by security forces. Furthermore, Swahili was used by Idi Amin’s army, which oppressed the citizens of Uganda. This factor has contributed to several studies arguing, that Ugandan people did and do not like Swahili. The Luganda speakers especially, resisted to Swahili being implemented in different layers of Uganda’s society. However, new aims for implementing Swahili in Uganda are being made by the East African Community, which declared Swahili the lingua franca of the community. 55 interviews with Ugandan citizens have been conducted, in order to examine whether the negative attitudes towards Swahili are still present. This will show how the policies regarding Swahili of the intergovernmental organisation, namely the East African Community, are perceived by Ugandans. The results of the interviews conducted show a different perception of Swahili in Uganda than has been argued by past studies. Most people see opportunities for learning Swahili and it will be a next step towards East-African integration.Show less
E-health technologies are being used increasingly much worldwide, a trend that is also visible in the Ugandan context. This thesis sought to investigate whether the use of blended forms of e...Show moreE-health technologies are being used increasingly much worldwide, a trend that is also visible in the Ugandan context. This thesis sought to investigate whether the use of blended forms of e-learning and e-consultations can improve the experiences and outcomes of the use of these technologies. The chosen case study is a social organisation that practices e-health in the Central region of Ugandan. The main methods used are semi-structured interviews and field observations. The analysis, which used self-determination theory as a theoretical framework, found that blended learning provides the ability to improve the experience and outcomes of CHWs because it enhanced the opportunities to fulfil the needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness required for self-determination. Similarly, the research also found that blended care has the potential to improve the experience and outcomes of patients because it offers the ability to increase the needs of autonomy (although findings were rather limited for this), competence and relatedness. As such, this study concludes that there is a need for greater reflection and inclusion of blended methods in e-health.Show less
Several studies have shown that media play a huge role in constructing national identities. These studies are often carried out in the context of ‘othering’, since a collective dissociation of ‘the...Show moreSeveral studies have shown that media play a huge role in constructing national identities. These studies are often carried out in the context of ‘othering’, since a collective dissociation of ‘the other’ in many cases strengthens the feeling of nationalism. Studies on how African media play a role in the formation of national identities are scarce, however. A regularly used example of ‘the other’ is the refugee and one of the largest refugee-hosting countries world-wide is Uganda. This thesis therefore studies how the New Vision, one of the biggest Ugandan newspapers, covers news on refugees and how the New Vision then contributes to the construction of a national identity in Uganda. Three methods were used: a participatory research in the form of an internship, a discourse analysis of text and finally a discourse analysis of pictures. The results show that the New Vision focuses on the idea that the government does everything in its power to help refugees and portrays ‘the Ugandan’ as very welcoming towards refugees.Show less
AIM: It is the aim of this study to understand how and why South Sudanese women living in refugee settlements in Adjumani look for treatment in regard to Tuberculosis (TB), by answering the main...Show moreAIM: It is the aim of this study to understand how and why South Sudanese women living in refugee settlements in Adjumani look for treatment in regard to Tuberculosis (TB), by answering the main question ‘What are the health beliefs and health-seeking behaviour within the South Sudanese community in Adjumani district in regard to Tuberculosis?’. The sub-questions focus on different factors that influence health-seeking behaviour and health beliefs. METHODS: Focus group discussions (FGDs) (15) and individual interviews (3) with South Sudanese women were held in different refugee settlements in the Adjumani district in Northern Uganda. These were transcribed and analysed through ‘open’, ‘axial’ and ‘selective’ coding. Also, respondents were asked to draw something TB related, to make a visual interpretation of their knowledge about TB. By using Seale’s (2008) scheme, factors that influence health beliefs and health-seeking behaviour were formulated to answer the main question. Additionally, the district TB focal person was interviewed. RESULTS: The main health beliefs were that TB is a contagious disease which is mainly transmitted through sharing a cup with an infected person and that it is curable. Still, in more than half of the FGDs respondents said TB is caused by other factors (such as heavy work or fear) and in about one third of the FGDs no respondents mentioned the early symptoms of TB. In more than half of FGDs respondents said they would isolate someone with TB. The health-seeking behaviour of the respondents was commendable, since all respondents sought to find treatment when necessary. However, the majority would end up looking for treatment at a private clinic or a distant health facility, since the closest health facility would not provide them with medicine or the treatment they were expecting. In one in five of the FGDs a respondent mentioned self-treatment in the form of finishing old medication or using local herbs. The main factors that influence health beliefs about TB in this study are body perception, perception of susceptibility, supernatural beliefs, levels of education and familiarity with TB. The main factors that influence health-seeking behaviour are experiences with health care in Uganda, distance to the health facility, familiarity with TB, compliance and identity. CONCLUSION: To conclude, even though the health beliefs and perceptions about TB among the South Sudanese women were often different from medical or professional points of view, the health seeking behaviour was very much present and the South Sudanese women were willing to find treatment whenever they considered it necessary. Nevertheless, due to bad experiences with the health facilities, which was mainly about frequent drug-stock-outs, bad attitude of health workers, lay-professional rivalry and inappropriate testing machines, the South Sudanese mothers believe that the district’s health facilities are often unable to make a proper diagnosis. With the insecurity of how the conflict in South Sudan will continue, it will be important for the district to more strongly monitor the spread of TB and include the perspective of the South Sudanese community in order to understand why and where people look for treatment. Recommendations for the district health office and for future research were formulated.Show less
This thesis aims at uncovering the underlying factors involved regarding the debate around homosexuality in Uganda. Today, much of the global discourse surrounding the debate is approached through...Show moreThis thesis aims at uncovering the underlying factors involved regarding the debate around homosexuality in Uganda. Today, much of the global discourse surrounding the debate is approached through the framework of universal human rights. Through an in-depth investigation into postcolonial theory of identity formation, this research dives into the legislation leading up to and concerning the 2009 Anti-Homosexual Bill launched by the Ugandan authorities. In order to create an understanding of the reasons why homophobic sentiments such as these are susceptible to be abused and used in a continuous power struggle on the basis of creating a truly African national identity.Show less
Bachelor thesis | Afrikaanse talen en culturen (BA)
closed access
De laatste jaren is er door westerse media veel gepubliceerd over het toenemende, homofobe klimaat in het Oost-Afrikaanse land Oeganda. In Oeganda heerst het idee dat homoseksualiteit een westerse,...Show moreDe laatste jaren is er door westerse media veel gepubliceerd over het toenemende, homofobe klimaat in het Oost-Afrikaanse land Oeganda. In Oeganda heerst het idee dat homoseksualiteit een westerse, neokoloniale uitvinding is, die vervolgens op het Afrikaanse continent geïntroduceerd is; onder veel Oegandezen heerst zelfs de notie dat homoseksualiteit een tool is om geboortebeperking op het continent te bewerkstelligen, en homoseksuelen zouden tot alles in staat zijn om de homosexual agenda verder te verspreiden. Religie speelt een zeer centrale rol in het leven van een meerderheid van de Oegandezen, en maakt een intrinsiek deel van het dagelijks leven uit. Met mijn onderzoek heb ik geprobeerd te bepalen welke invloed de Amerikaanse, christelijk-rechtse lobby lobby op het homofobe klimaat in Oeganda heeft. Daarbij heb ik ook gekeken naar de inmenging van westerse media in het anti- homodebat, en door welke combinatie van factoren het homofobe klimaat in Oeganda in eerste instantie ontstaan is. Dit heb ik gedaan door middel van literatuuronderzoek, in combinatie met een eigen, kleinschalig onderzoek in Kampala. Uit mijn onderzoek bleek dat seksuele minderheden voorafgaand en gedurende de kolonisatieperiode niet geheel geaccepteerd werden, maar wel in relatieve vrijheid konden leven en doorgaans niet vervolgd werden. Dit veranderde in 1997, toen de Anglicaanse kerk – zo ook in Oeganda – zich actief uit begon te spreken tegen homoseksualiteit. In de daaropvolgende jaren vonden steeds meer Amerikaanse, christelijk-rechtse zendelingen hun weg naar het Oost-Afrikaanse land. Oeganda bleek vruchtbare grond te zijn voor homofobe sentimenten, en dus begon ook een groeiend aantal Oegandese politici zich in het debat te mengen. In 2009 werd de eerste versie van de Anti-Homosexuality Bill ingediend bij het parlement. De veelal negatieve reacties van westerse media, die de Oegandese overheid niet zelden als incompetent neerzetten, en het Oegandese volk als intolerant, zorgden ervoor dat Oeganda gesterkt werd in haar geloof dat het Westen bepaalde normen en waarden aan Oeganda – en in een bredere context Afrika – op probeerden te dringen. Verschillende factoren hebben een aandeel gespeeld in het creëren van het huidige homofobe klimaat in het Oost-Afrikaanse land; de komst van de eerste, Britse zendelingen die het christendom kwamen verspreiden, de daaropvolgende stigmatisering rondom homoseksualiteit, de in 1950 ingevoerde Penal Code, de inmenging van de Anglicaanse kerk in het debat en de daaruit voortvloeiende nieuwe golf van homofobie, de komst van een groeiend aantal Amerikaanse, conservatieve zendelingen in Oeganda, de Anti-Homosexuality Bill uit 2009 en de daaropvolgende berichtgeving in de westerse media, die Oeganda lijnrecht tegenover het Westen wist te zetten. Daar moet ook bij vermeld worden dat, ondanks het feit dat er zonder twijfel uitzonderingen zijn, de meeste westerse mediaberichten over de Oegandese Anti- Homosexuality Bill en het bredere, homofoboe klimaat in het land tekortgeschoten zijn, door de nieuwsfeiten niet in een culturele, sociale, politieke en/of religieuze context te plaatsen. Oorzaken en accelerators van de ontstane homofobie in het land werden vrijwel niet aan de kaak gesteld. Verschillende lhbtqi-activisten in Oeganda beamen dat de situatie omtrent lhbtqi’ers in het Oost-Afrikaanse land vaak wordt gedramatiseerd door westerse media, wat geen realistische representatie van de daadwerkelijke situatie geeft. Uit mijn onderzoek bleek dus dat er, voor de komst van de grote aantallen Amerikaanse missionarissen, al vruchtbare grond was voor een homofoob klimaat in Oeganda, waar de Amerikaanse, christelijk-rechtse lobby verder op heeft ingehaakt door homofobe sentimenten actief aan te wakkeren. Er zijn door hen allianties gevormd met Oegandese wetmakers en politici, die politiek gewin haalden uit het aanhangen van een homofoob, politiek gemotiveerd narratief. Alhoewel veel Amerikaanse, conservatieve missionarissen in Oeganda zich niet bewust lijken te zijn van de uitwerkingen die hun uitspraken in de Oegandese samenleving kunnen hebben, is gebleken dat het Oegandese volk – bij gebrek aan een alom aanwezige politiemacht – er in veel gevallen niet over twijfelt het heft in eigen handen te nemen, en homoseksualiteit binnen hun gemeenschap te ‘bestrijden’ door middel van mob justice. Tot het jaar 1997, toen de Anglicaanse kerk zich actief in het anti- homoseksualiteitdebat begon te mengen, was er van mob justice richting seksuele minderheden vrijwel geen sprake. Ook de theorie achter de gay agenda is een vrij recent opgekomen fenomeen, dat in korte tijd veel aanhangers heeft weten te vergaren. De invloed van Amerikaanse, christelijke conservatievelingen heeft zelfs een impact gehad op de Oegandese wetgeving, zo blijkt wel uit de totstandkoming van de Bahati Bill, waaraan achter de schermen verschillende Amerikaanse conservatieve organisaties en individuen hebben meegewerkt. De verschillende homofobe frames die in het anti-homodebat gevormd zijn hebben zo’n hevige impact gehad op de gemiddelde Oegandees, dat seksuele minderheden ten alle tijden op hun hoede moeten zijn en moeten vrezen voor hun veiligheid. Want alhoewel het aantal gewelddadige incidenten richting lhbtiq’ers in Oeganda nog altijd relatief laag is, is het wel een in omvang toenemend probleem.Show less
Research master thesis | African Studies (research) (MA)
open access
War ravaged northern Uganda for over two decades after its start in 1986. During this time, over 80% of the Acholi population living there was internally displaced. This occurrence has disrupted...Show moreWar ravaged northern Uganda for over two decades after its start in 1986. During this time, over 80% of the Acholi population living there was internally displaced. This occurrence has disrupted social life in more ways than often acknowledged in policy-making and discourse surrounding displacement. This thesis draws focus to personal experiences of people who moved to Pabo – the former site of one of the displacement camps – during the war, and who have not left this place since. Using data from life histories collected in Pabo during seven months of fieldwork, it explores motivations for non-return and shows that displacement is more than a forced move from one geographical location to another; it involves economic, social, and cosmological considerations and touches upon identity and belonging. This thesis also explores the long-term effects of displacement on life by zooming in on social relations within the household. Using the concept of anomie, it is argued that, in this particular post-conflict context, there is lessened social guidance on desirable goals and accepted behavior as well as a discrepancy between goals that are still valued and the means available to achieve them. Building upon the life histories, the argument is constructed that the situation of anomie has contributed to intergenerational friction and to families breaking up. The goal of this thesis is to lay bare the interface between structure and agency, and to counter the trend of turning internally displaced people as well as refugees into abbreviations and subjects without a voice.Show less
This paper investigates the role of the 2000 Ugandan Amnesty Act in conflict resolution. Presently, scholars have focused on the role of amnesties in various contexts, yet neglected their role in...Show moreThis paper investigates the role of the 2000 Ugandan Amnesty Act in conflict resolution. Presently, scholars have focused on the role of amnesties in various contexts, yet neglected their role in conflict resolution. As the implementation of amnesties in conflict resolution is becoming increasingly more common, this gap in the literature should be addressed in order to be able to complement the ongoing debate on the value of amnesties. The conflict in Uganda provides for new and ample data that provide further perspective on amnesties as a means for conflict resolution. The Ugandan Amnesty aimed to advance conflict resolution by reintegrating former LRA combatants. To measure whether reintegration has been successful, the successes in social and economic reintegration have been considered. Reintegration has been considered a success in Uganda as the probability of continuation of the conflict has decreased and consequently, the role of the Amnesty can be considered significant.Show less
Research master thesis | African Studies (research) (MA)
open access
This research focuses on people’s perception of, and attitudes towards, mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP). It is the result of four months of fieldwork in Ruhija,...Show moreThis research focuses on people’s perception of, and attitudes towards, mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (BINP). It is the result of four months of fieldwork in Ruhija, Rubanda County, one of the four appointed areas in Uganda where gorilla tourism is established. This qualitative study aims at understanding how different stakeholders perceive the gorilla as an animal, whether that be a conservation goal or an economic income, or an anthropomorphized species. The analysis will develop by focusing on these three conceptual domains, namely, political, economic and anthropomorphised. Further, in order to understand how different stakeholders have different perceptions and attitudes, the research participants are divided into four groups. The stakeholders groups involve the local community, the entrepreneurs, the conservationists and the tourists. By doing so, the research will present the point of view of local, national and international actors. The main argument of the thesis revolves around the discourses about mountain gorillas. More specifically, how international actors have imposed western-centred discourses about wildlife conservation in order to ensure gorilla conservation. Along with national actors, who have later adopted the same discourses, to guarantee the development of the tourism industry.Show less