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(61 - 74 of 74)


The Importance of State Sovereignty to the Argentine Republic - Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on Argentina’s Foreign Policy Issues before the United Nations General Assembly
De MINUSMA-missie in Mali: een analyse van legitimiteit
Humanitarian Transport in Bosnia. The Dutch-Belgian Transportbattalion
Children's Rights in Transnational Perspective
Why Libya but not Syria? How International Relations Theories attempt to help us understand the difference in R2P application
The Politics of Discourse: the United Nations Secretariat and Genocide in Rwanda
EU Multilateral Representation in the UNGA and UNSC: Work in Progress?
The Logic of Civil War Termination: A Rationalist Explanation of Rebel Behaviour
Regional Organizations: Assets for United Nations Peace Operations?
Has the West Rewritten its own Rule Book?
The road to democracy or mission impossible? An analysis of UN mediation in Myanmar between 1992-2013
Democracy Promotion by the Secretary-General of the United Nations
The Politics of LGBT Rights: A Comparison Between the United Nations, the OSCE and the Council of Europe
Sexual exploitation and UN peacekeepers - why the problem continues to persist
