The well-known 2012 phenomenon sparked a major interest in Maya culture and their complex civilization by people from all around the globe, but mainly in the Western world. This was enhanced by the...Show moreThe well-known 2012 phenomenon sparked a major interest in Maya culture and their complex civilization by people from all around the globe, but mainly in the Western world. This was enhanced by the internet and in specific the media which mainly include social media such as Twitter. As a result, the 2012 phenomenon took the world by storm. In this research paper, the role of the (social) media on the 2012 phenomenon is assessed. Herewith, there are three essential aspects to examine: the Maya perspective, western perspective and the media. A concise and general overview on the rich history of the ancient Maya civilization will be provided. There are plenty of Maya writings left, however Tortuguero Monument 6 sets itself apart from the others. This is the only script which mentions a supposed end-date 21st of December 2012. There are various interpretations of Monument 6, therefore it is important to compare these with each other and elaborately discuss these similarities and differences. These give us more insight to our understanding on the 2012 phenomenon and the role of the media. There is no doubt that the media has had a great influence on the formation and spread of the 2012 phenomenon. Hereby, the media projected major influence on the public and even their opinions. However, the important role of the media reached to a certain extent. In which the phenomenon mainly concerned people from the Western world and not necessarily the Maya people. Since, contemporary Maya had little to no contribution to this phenomenon even though the concept is based on the writings of their ancestors.Show less