As a reaction to the poor handling by the Japanese government of the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the Fukushima Children Network was established whose main goal it is to...Show moreAs a reaction to the poor handling by the Japanese government of the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the Fukushima Children Network was established whose main goal it is to prevent children from being irradiated by radioactive materials. With the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster, mother's would yet again take up their motherhood and use in such a way that they are supposedly the expert concerning their children's well being. This research will analyze the activities of the Fukushima Children Network in relation to the concept of civil society in Japan as coined by Jurgen Habermas. The main research question will be: What is the effect of Fukushima Children Network's actions in the public sphere? More specifically, did their actions lead to a growing awareness of the dangers, such as radioactive contamination, that the use of nuclear energy brings about? Starting with only a few people and setting out their course of action, they gained notoriety throughout the country. Also having inspired other members of the public to take action on their own, it can be argued that they have come quite far within the public sphere.Show less