Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 18 of 18)
The Game Designer’s Perspective of World War II and Their Narrative Influence
Native American Participation During The Second World War In Europe And North Africa: What Drove Them To Enlist and How They Experienced Their Time Overseas.
“Which Influences Did the Collective Memories of World War II Have on National Memory Policies of West Germany and Japan between 1950- 1980?”
The viscount of El Alamein
A VENTURE INTO IMPERIALISM: The United States Congress and the First Oil Deals with Saudi Arabia (1943-1948)
“Does a Japanese neorealist cinema exist?”: A comparative study of Italian and Japanese postwar cinema
Comfort Women and Women’s Rights Movements
Between Nation and Gender: The representation of former military comfort women in the Netherlands and South Korea
Life in Amsterdam at the End of World War II: A Selected Edition of the Diary Letters by Kitty Ouwens, 1945
Displaced Children in Ireland. The Case of W.R.F. Collis and the Belsen Children
De kapitalistische redding van het communisme; Amerikaanse steun aan de Sovjet-Unie, 1941-1943
The Diary of A.C. de Neeve Rotterdam 10-16 May 1940
Propaganda Wars in Wartime Spain: Sir Samuel Hoare, the British Embassy, and the British Propaganda Campaign for "Neutral" Spain, 1940-1945
The heritage of  World War II in the Netherlands
De dreiging van het Gele Gevaar: De aanloop naar de Japanse-Amerikaanse internering, 1941-1942
Carefully Thinking Over The Next Move. Anglo-American efforts to settle the war-time dispute between Poland and the Soviet Union, 1943-1944.