Leiden University Student Repository

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(21 - 39 of 39)


South Korea’s Suicide Crisis among the Youth and Elderly in the 21st century: the shame of a nation in the light of current social phenomena and trends in society
Patient experience as measured with the Brief CQI: An evaluation
The influence of parental chronic medical condition on family functioning
The influence of culture on the relation between moral emotions and aggression
Uncertainty – the influence of unpredictability on anxious children and adolescents
The effects of testosterone levels on social behavior in adolescents
Attachment with the church and God
Spot the dangerous situations: EEG measurements of hazard perception in adolescent cyclists
Influence of family functioning on internalizing problems in children of parents with CMC.
Perceived sense of discrimination in relation to behavioral problems and psychological distress in Turkish immigrant adolescents.
Narcistische eigenschappen en een laag zelfbeeld in relatie tot gedragsproblemen bij jongeren van 12-17 jaar.
The effectiveness of intergroup contact on different contact levels in reducing Muslim prejudice: A multilevel approach
Wie de jeugd heeft, heeft de toekomst
