Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

(1 - 20 of 24)


Gender and age differences in romantic attachment: are they real?
De invloed van leeftijd op de mate van public service motivation van backoffice ambtenaren van het Rijk
The effects of age, sex and ecological stress on insecure attachment styles in a web based questionnaire (Experiences in Close Relationships Scale)
A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of psychological treatments of PTSD in refugees: does age and adaptation of language and culture influence the treatment efficacy?
How Demographic Variables Influence the Protestant Work Ethic
The Older, the Wiser?  Protection of Self-Worth via Biased Self-Esteem Contingency in Adolescent Development
Treading Lightly or Charging Ahead: Exploring Gender and Age Differences in Attack Investment During an Asymmetrical Conflict Task
Personality disorders and stigma
Effectiveness of Sleep Interventions for Treating Suicidality Over the Lifespan: A  Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
The Role of Age in the Relationship Between Leisure Activities and Subjective Well-Being
Could consumers’ environmental knowledge shape their food waste intentions?
School participation and psychosocial  functioning in autistic pupils: Exploration of  the possible influence of child, family, and  school factors
The influence of age and sleep on visuo spatial working memory.
Predicting Depression in  Adolescents: The Roles of Gender,  Age, and Stress Responses
Internalizing problems in children with  Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Dot-probe task to investigate gender and age-related attentional biases towards happy and angry faces
The relation between age and motor  adaptation learning
Psychological safety as a predictor for innovation
Women, elderly and children: the application of medicinal food theory. Gender and age differentiation in ancient dietetics.
A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Gender in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Emma
