Summary There are many differences between the Upper-Paleolithic, the period which is often associated with the Anatomically Modern Human, and the Middle-Paleolithic, a period which is often...Show moreSummary There are many differences between the Upper-Paleolithic, the period which is often associated with the Anatomically Modern Human, and the Middle-Paleolithic, a period which is often associated with the Neanderthal. One of those differences is the increased use of standardized bone tools in the Upper-Paleolithic. These standardized bone tools were used for very specific purposes. An example of such a standardized bone tool is the ‘lissoir’ (the smoother). The lissoir is a bone tool that was used to make hides more impermeable and lustrous and tougher. In 2013 Soressi et al. (2013) published an article in which it was stated that four lissoirs from the Middle Paleolithic from two different sites (Abri Peyrony en Pech de l’Aze) were found. Soressi et al. (2013) suggest that there was possibly a cultural diffusion from Neanderthals to Anatomically Modern Humans. To investigate this theory, the Middle Paleolithic lissoirs were compared with the lissoirs from the Aurignacian (a period in the Upper Paleolithic) in this research. This research is based on publicated lissoirs from Southwest France. For this research an extensive database was made, containing parameters which among others concerned; the site, the sizes and the morphology of the lissoirs, the material and the technology that was used to produce the lissoirs and the absence or presence of use-wear, weathering, root etching, gnawing, digestion and decoration. The database contains 52 lissoirs from 16 sites. The results of the research show us that there are multiple similarities and differences between the lissoirs from the Middle Paleolithic and the Aurignacian. However, because of a lack of data, the research question cannot be answered univocal: based on this research it cannot be refuted that the Neanderthals invented the lissoir and the Anatomically Modern Humans imitated the Neanderthals. New research, in which the lissoirs from the Aurignacian are studied, are necessary. The main items that should be studied about the Aurignacian lissoirs are the curvature, the animal species that were used to produce the lissoirs, the shapes of the fractures, the use-wear ont the lissoirs and the technology used to produce the lissoirs. This would make a comparison between the Aurignacian and the Middle Paleolithic lissoirs better.Show less