Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 19 of 19)
An Emerging Human Rights Regime: the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Torture Prevention in Southeast Asia
The Relationship between the South Korean State and Civil Society
Authoritarian state and civil society: a study of rulers’ motivations for concessions, cooperation and accommodation
Organized Resistance
Refugee Integration in Greece: An analysis of how the International Organization for Migration and Greek state and civil society actors facilitate refugee integration through education and labor market opportunities
The evolution of post-disaster mental health care in Japan: how have the responses by civil society, local and national government changed over time
The effects of EU migration management on a third country: Multi-level governance of boat people (1992-2013) and the influence of the EU’s external border and migration policy on Morocco
State,space and society: Public participation in the development of the Zenit Arena
Changing Power Dynamics; consequences of the Syrian refugee crisis for state and citizen relation
Participatory governance in Ukraine – an ongoing struggle. A case study of anti-corruption policy-making since 2014
Civil engagement at the Gulag Museum in Perm-36
The threats of Russian-style NGO legislation to civil society in Azerbaijan
De strijd voor een civil society: Het spanningsveld tussen'civil society' en autochtonie in Afrika
State-NGO Relations in China
Do Civil Society Organisations Always Promote Democratic Citizenship?