Leiden University Student Repository

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(1 - 18 of 18)
The Relationship between the South Korean State and Civil Society
Authoritarian state and civil society: a study of rulers’ motivations for concessions, cooperation and accommodation
Organized Resistance
Refugee Integration in Greece: An analysis of how the International Organization for Migration and Greek state and civil society actors facilitate refugee integration through education and labor market opportunities
The evolution of post-disaster mental health care in Japan: how have the responses by civil society, local and national government changed over time
The effects of EU migration management on a third country: Multi-level governance of boat people (1992-2013) and the influence of the EU’s external border and migration policy on Morocco
State,space and society: Public participation in the development of the Zenit Arena
Changing Power Dynamics; consequences of the Syrian refugee crisis for state and citizen relation
Participatory governance in Ukraine – an ongoing struggle. A case study of anti-corruption policy-making since 2014
Civil engagement at the Gulag Museum in Perm-36
The threats of Russian-style NGO legislation to civil society in Azerbaijan
De strijd voor een civil society: Het spanningsveld tussen'civil society' en autochtonie in Afrika
State-NGO Relations in China
Do Civil Society Organisations Always Promote Democratic Citizenship?