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(21 - 40 of 49)


The Relation Between Long-term Solar Exposure and Cognition – Testing the Circadian Hypothesis
Individuals in the Carbon Trap
A pollen-based reconstruction of the paleoenvironment and cultural landscape in Southeastern Norway from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages
“He Who Tries to Shake the Trunk of a Tree Only Shakes Himself”: Practical and Philosophical Understandings of Nature from African Indigenous Communities in Global Environmental Protection
Greening the European Central Bank
Is Plastic Pollution a Distraction from Climate Change?
Disproportionality within the climate crisis
The Covid-19 Crisis: A Catalyst for Climate Action
Is public opinion falling on deaf political ears? Public concern for climate change and domestic implementation of EU  environmental policies
Culture, Vulnerability and Sustainable Livelihoods in Burkina Faso
Pacific perceptions on distance in climate migration
Towards Environmental Virtue Ethics
Cui Bono? A comparative study on how institutional design shapes far-right environmental behaviour
The economic structure of a country and its role in climate-conflict nexus
Game of Swarms - An artistic practice about networks
Moves, Metaphors and Their Interrelation in Abstracts of Climate Change Articles in High-Impact Scientific Journals
That hour is almost upon us: Metaphors in climate policy speeches at the UNFCCC climate conferences
