Leiden University Student Repository

Search results

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Constructing a virtual region: The role of identity in shaping BRICS
The Effect of Identity-Derived Value Competition on Foreign Policy
Russian Foreign Policy: Bigger than the Sum of its Parts A Multi-Theory Approach to the Syrian Case
Securitizing the Border: The Politics of the Border and the 9/11 Discourse in the US-Mexico Relations
From Northern Cyprus to Crimea: Theory Testing Neorealism and Constructivism
The EU-Russian Gas Partnership: A Match Made in Heaven or an Unnatural Union? An Analysis of how the divergence between EU and Russian economic paradigms impacts EU-Russian gas relations
The changing role of Israel in the U.S. Middle East strategy, during and after the Cold War
Why NATO Persists: A Case Study of the Netherlands
China's anti-piracy effort
The Pocket Politician: A Constructivist Perspective on Gijs van Oenen's Concept of Algorithmic Representation
Dismantling nuclear weapons and achieving peace in the Korean peninsula. Does the Trump – Kim Summit of 2018 and its immediate aftermath fulfill the criteria for a constructivist approach?
The role of ‘othering’ in the Turkey EU accession negotiations - A critical discourse analysis
Respect in the context of the Iran nuclear deal
CENTO and SEATO: The failure of the two Cold War Alliances understood through Realism and Constructivism
Stuck in the Territorial Trap: How the transformation in the conception of political space led to the South China Sea rivalry of China and the Philippines
Kuwaiti Relations with Iraq in the post-Saddam Era: Strategic Hedging, Regional Effects & the Structural Power of Small States
Just War or just war? Constructivist and Gramscian insights into the conflict in Kosovo and NATO's decision to intervene
