Leiden University Student Repository

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Stress door een culturele lens: stresservaringen en coping bij leerlingen met een westerse en niet-westerse (migratie)achtergrond
A Longitudinal Investigation of the Potential Stress-buffering Effect of Humor as Means of Coping with Negative Life Events in Older Adults
The link between coping styles and depressive symptoms in university students with and without autism
Work ability in individuals with migraine: The influence of social support and coping strategies
Trauma, coping, depression and anxiety in people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Does coping moderate the effect of online bullying on depressive feelings?
De Invloed van Negatieve Levensgebeurtenissen en Copingstijl op Binge-drinking onder Jongeren en Jongvolwassenen